how England became a constitutional monarchy

  • death of elizabeth

    in 1603, Elizabeth died and left a huge debt with her successor
  • james I

    Elizabeth's nearest relative was king of Scotland before crowned king of England after her death. james I died in 1625
  • the effect of parliament

    parliament is the highest legislature, consisting of the sovereign, house of lords, and the house of commons. this was also the true rival of the absolute ruler of England.
  • the dissolve of parliament

    Charles I dissolves parliament in 1625 as one of his first adagainst the parliament.
  • james has a son...

    charles the first is born heir to the throne of james I. he inherited the throne from his father and was later executed for treason.
  • petition of rights signed

    signed by charles I that prohibited the absolute ruler from abusing his power
  • Charles II - 1630-1685.

    King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1660-1685) who reigned during the restoration, a period of expanding trade and colonization we well as strong opposition to Catholicism.
  • Period: to

    James II (1633-1701)

    .king of England, Ireland and Scotland. He was deposed by his protest and daughter Mary and her husband William of orange.
  • Autumn of 1641 laws

    20th of August, 1641, England and Scotland sign treaty of pacification
  • Period: to

    English Civil War (1642-1651)

    a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between parliamentarians and royalists over, principally, the manner of English government.
  • charles is executed publicly for treason.

    charles I was the first king to be executed by his people. publicly he was beheaded for treason in 1649
  • Charles I is Executed

    ( January 30,1649) for treason.offended protest and subjects by marrying Henrietta Marie, a Catholic French princess.
  • Habeas Corpus passed

    “you shall have the body (in court).” A writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure the person’s release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention.
  • William and Mary rule

    King William III and Queen Mary of England who ruled jointly after the glorious revolution of 1688 had expelled Mary's father King James II
  • revolution of 1688

    Glorious Revolution was also known as the revolution of 1688. Was the overthrow of King James II of England by a union of English parliamentarians with the Dutch stadtholder William III of orange-Nassau
  • English Bill of Rights

    British law passed by the parliament of Great Britain in 1689. Decade led the rights and liberties of the people settling the succession in William III and Mary II following the glorious revolution...
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    limited monarchy or parliamentary monarchy is a monarchy in which governing powers of the monarch are restricted by a constitution.