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England 2nd period

  • Jan 1, 1540

    Sir Francis Drake (Born 1540- Died 1596)

    Sir Francis Drake (Born 1540- Died 1596)
    WHO: Francis Drake (English admiral)
    WHAT: Ended Spanish dominance over the seas and the new world so England could become a global empire.He made a lot of victories for England. He also rescued settlers from the Roanoke settlement, helped England understand life better in the Americas.
    WHEN: Born in 1540 CE, died 1596, started navigating in 1577
    WHERE:Born in England, explore the carribean, and the Americas
    WHY: To end Spanish dominance over the New World.
  • Christopher Newport(December 1561- after August 1617)

    Christopher Newport(December 1561- after August 1617)
    WHO: Explorer
    WHAT: Christopher Newport was an English privateer, ship captain, and adventurer who helped establish the 1st permanent English colony in North America at Jamestown in 1607. He arrived present day Jamestown; He made 4 additional voyages bringing more people to Jamestown.
    WHEN: Lived:December 1561- after August 1617
    Explored: January 1, 1585
    WHERE: England and Spain
    WHY: He explored the land to discover riches, find a western sea route to Asia and to colonize Virginia.
  • Henry Hudson (1565-1611)

    Henry Hudson (1565-1611)
    WHO:Henry Hudson (Explorer).
    WHAT:Henry Hudson discovered a strait in the ocean that lead them through north waters over Canada which is known as the Hudson Strait. He also discovered what is known as the Hudson River in New York in 1609.
    WHEN: He explored 1607-1610. He died in 1611 .
    WHERE:He explored in different places like New York and England.
    WHY: He wanted to find a route from Europe to Asia (A northwest passage through China, which allowed trade to expand throughout North America).
  • James Cook October 27 1728- February 14 1779

    James Cook October 27 1728- February 14 1779
    WHO: James Cook was an 18th century explorer and navigator.
    WHAT: James Cook created the first accurate map of the Pacific ocean. He also explored New Zealand and Australian.
    WHEN: James Cook began his first voyage in 1768 and carried out three more voyages before his tragic death in 1779.
    WHERE: He explored many places in the Pacific including New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii and many more
    WHY: He explored the pacific to map it out.