The First Steam Engine
It is not to be exact who the very first inventer was. But many people have said that Thomas Savery patented the first crude steam engine, based on Denis Papin's Digester or pressure cooker of 1679. -
Alessandro Volta, inventor of the electric battery.Volta’s discovery of the decomposition of water by an electrical current laid the foundation of electrochemistry. -
The first mechanical computer, created by Charles Babbage in 1822, doesn't really resemble what most would consider a computer today it was much larger, but still was a huge step for technlogy. -
First Internal Combustion Engine
Samuel Brown patented the first internal combustion engine to be applied industrially. -
The Electric Moto
Thomas Davenport was the first to invent the electric motor, an invention that is still used in most electrical appliances today -
William Robert Grove succeeds in lighting an auditorium with expensive incandescent lamps that use platinum coils in inverted glasses sealed with water. -
Wind Mill
n Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. scientist and businessman Charles Brush builds the first wind turbine to generate electricity. Measuring 17 metres tall and using 144 cedar rotor blades, it has a capacity of 12 kilowatts. -
Heat Engine
French physicist Sadi Carnot established the heat engines. This scientifically established the need for compression to increase the difference between the upper and lower working temperatures. -
The First Car
In 1807, François Isaac de Rivaz designed the first car powered by an internal combustion engine fueled by hydrogen. In 1886 the first petrol or gasoline powered automobile the Benz Patent-Motorwagen was invented by Karl Benz. -
First Lightbulb
In November 1879, Edison filed a patent for an electric lamp with a carbon filament.