The Silk Roads Occur
The Silk Roads emerge coming from the Han Dynasty in China where they were trading their vast amount of goods to everyone they could. -
Western Rome Falls
Alaric, the leader of the Visigoths moved his men and sacked roam. -
Nov 27, 1095
First Crusade
The First Crusade was an event where the Pope ordered the European powers to reclaim the Holy Lands from the Muslim Empire, -
Oct 23, 1347
Start of the Black Death
Three Ships arrived in a port in Messina. The crew members were either all dead or very close to it. The port ordered them to leave right away but it was already too late. -
Feb 8, 1400
Invasion of Syria
The Mongol conqueror Tameralne invades Syria after having devastated Georgia and Russia. -
May 23, 1440
The Printing Press
Was invented by a man named Gutenberg from Germany. This allowed people to have less need of town criers. -
Jan 1, 1450
The Start of the Slave Trade
The Europeans started using the African people as workers because they did not die nearly as much from disease as other people did. -
Aug 13, 1453
Fall of the Byzantine Empire
Sultan Mehmed II was the Ottoman Turks leader who conquered over Constantinople. -
Oct 11, 1492
The Discovery of America
Christopher Columbus discovers America as he led his three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. -
Beggining of the Revolutionary War
The official beggining of the Revolutionary War was at the Battle of Concord where the British sent soldiers to destroy weapons and supplies the the Patriots had been storing. -
The Creation of the Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney was the first person to create the cotton gin but his designs were copied and sold before he was aloud to sell his invention. -
The French Revolution
On this date the French government was officially overthrown by a military coup. -
The Louisiana Purchase
The United States buys land from the French that doubles the size of the young republic. -
The Lincoln Assassination
John Wilkes Booth, a famous actor and Confederate sympathizer, shot Abraham Lincoln in the Ford Theatre in Washington, D.C. -
The Creation of the Light Bulb
Thomas Edison is the man who invents the light bulb. There were two different men that came before him that worked on the light bulb. -
The Statue of Liberty
The dedication of the date was on the day above, when the French sent it over to America. -
The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower was built for the World Exhibition in celebration of the French Revolution in 1789. -
The Beggining of World War I
On this day, the Austro- Hungarians began their invasion of Serbia. The heir to the throne of the Austro- Hungarian Empire was assassinated on this day. -
World War I
World War I was started because Germany and Austro- Hungary were angry over the lands they had. They believed certain lands were suppose to belong to them. -
First McDonalds
Dic and Mac McDonald open up the first McDonalds in California as a Bar-B-Q. -
The Assassination of Ghandi
Nathuram Godse murdered Mohatma Ghandi on this date firing three shots at him. Ghandi was seventy- eight years old. -
Martin Luther King Jr. Speech "I Have a Dream"
This speech was a pivitol point in the civil right movement. Martin Luther had a speech written out for him on that day, but changed it as he spoke, while adding in the words "I have a dream" at all of his strong points. -
The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
President John F. Kennedy was riding in a motorcade through Dealy Plaza in Downtown Dallas, Texas. He was preparing for his second presidential campaign, but was assassinated. -
First Man in the Moon
Neil Armstrong was the first person to step onto the Moon, putting the United States ahead of the Soviet Union in the space race. -
The Tragedy of the World Trade Center Buildings
Two separate planes were over taken while in the air and were flew into the World Trade Center Buildings.