Jun 22, 1095
The Catholic Church had people believing in buying Indulgences. The Church had told you that if you bought an indulgence You don't go to Hell or purgatory you go through purgatory faster. This was one of the problems within the church which was corruption.
SOurce: Martin Luther and Reformation notes -
Gonzaga family
The Gonzaga family in the renaissance didn't have many problems with anyone, because they had formed alliances with most of the higher up families. They had used their wealth to promote the city with an artistic and cultural life. The founder of the Gonzaga family was Ludovico l Gonzaga. Ludovico l was very wealthy. Gianfrancesco Ganzaga was another important role in this family.
Sources: http://www.italymagazine.com/featured-story/italian-families-gonzaga -
Daily Life clothing Sources: http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_clothing_fashion.php
In The renaissance the men had wore bright colored tights with a fitted coat and a hat. The women had worn dresses that had the puffy shoulders, and if you were a wealthy woman you wore jewelry made out of gold. Depending on where you lived the rules were different about your clothing. In many places they didn't want the poor to wear the same as the wealthy. Hair was also important. Many women had bleached their hair blonde. -
Period: 1300 to
daily life Entertainment
Entertainment was very big, it had included in festivals, sporting events, chess and checkers. Some people for a source of entertainment had sang songs on the street for money. The sports entertainment was jousting, archery and more. They also played a form of football but with a leather ball.Many of the sports had involved horses. Plays were also another source of entertainment. Sources: https://prezi.com/3pwqhlcijkfa/entertainment-of-the-renaissance/ -
Period: 1300 to
Daily Life Food
The food that you ate depended on if you were wealthy or not adn where you lived. The peasants during the renaissance generally ate mush or soup with some black bread for almost every meal. The soup was made from scraps of food. The food that Merchants and Nobles got was soups and broths, more meat ehich included roasts of beef or pig. To drink they usually drank wine or beer with their meals. SOurces: http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_food.php -
Jun 22, 1300
Literary Works: Education (Sources: Page 172-173 and Artistic movements of the Renaissance notes)
Education had became effected by Humanism in the 1300s-1400s. Education had became less focused on your religion, and more on liberal studies. The subjects that education had taught was history, philosophy, grammar, poetry, math, astronomy and music. People had got taught education so that way they could reach their full potential in life. Women had rarely attended the Humanist schools, the women who did were taught the classic subjects including history and other courses that men didn't have to -
Jun 22, 1300
The Printing Press
The Printing Press had been invented in 1440. The Printing press was able t share information with other people including new discoveries that were made. With the printing press you didn't have to write by hand anymore
Sources: http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php -
Jun 22, 1301
Papal Schism
Inn 1301 The Pope did not like that the king had tried to tax the french clergy. The Pope was so mad that he had tried to excommunicate the king, so a new Pope had arrived, Clement V. People had believed that the French Kings controlled the church.
Source:Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation Notes -
Jun 22, 1308
Literary Works: Literature
Literature in the Renaissance was written in different languages based on your relgion.Literature had became more known after Dante and Geoffrey Chaucer had written their own literature books. Dante was an Italian writter, his book is called The Divine Comedy which tells a story of a soul's journey to salvation. Geoffrey Chaucer was an English writter and his book was called The Camerbury Tales, which was about the pilgrims journey to the tomb of Saint Thomas. -
Medici Family
The Medici family was very involved with Florence throughout the Renaissance. In 1397 Giovanni de Medici, had established headquarters in Florence which had led to him leaving a large amount of money for his son when he died. Cosmo de Medici was Giovanni's son who had taken over the banking buisness and the family.
Source: http://www.sparknotes.com/history/european/renaissance1/section2/ -
Jun 22, 1400
Renaissance Art: Frescoes
Fresco was a style painting that were used in the early renaissance. A fresco is made by applying water-based paint on top of a wet plaster. There are different types of fresco painting styles, Buon Fresco and Fresco Secco. Using this style of painting it made the people in paintings pop and look more realistic.
Source: http://www.artyfactory.com/art_appreciation/art_movements/italian-renaissance/italian-renaissance-art-fresco-painting.html
Book Page: 173 -
Jun 22, 1400
The New Church
All of Luther's followers had began to create a new Christian demonotize. Religion had started to change. The Germans had gotten along with Luther and the German princes had supported Luther. The Lutherans and the Catholics did not get along.
Source: Martin Luther and Reformation.ppt -
Period: Jun 22, 1400 to
Literary Works: Humanism
Humanism was seeing things in other people's point of view from different parts of the world. The subjects that Humanists had was grammar, poetry, philosophy and history. To teach other people about Humanism the Petrarch had shown others by using Latin manuscripts.Humanism had also followed the civic life.
Sources: Book Page 170, Note Set: Artistic Movements in the Renaissance -
Jun 22, 1410
Oil Paints
The first oil paints were created in 1410 by Jan van Eyck. Oil painting had replaced other paints in the renaissance. The first kind of oil paints were created by mixing together walnut oil and pigment or eggs and pigment.It was a great advantage to painting because oil paints didn't dry as fast, it had good translucency and there was a more variety of colors.
Citations: Oil Paint Smore's Grace, Emily, Makayla S -
Jun 22, 1430
Donatello was an artist in the Renaissance. His art didn't consist of paintings, but sculptures. He had created a statue called "David" Which is a marble, Gothic-style sculpture. He did eventually create his own style of work. His new style had included life-sized or even bigger sculptures, and he had used unique techniques.
Source: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes
https://www.biography.com/people/donatello-21032601 -
Jun 22, 1490
Raphael was a later artist in the Renaissance. Raphael was a famous painter already at the age 25. He was inspired by many other Renaissance painters, by studying their work it had improved his. Raphael is known for various Virgin Mary paintings and many frescoes. -
Jun 22, 1490
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci was another artist in the Renaissance period. He had painted many famous paintings including The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Da Vnci was the idea of a "Renaissance Man" with him being very artistic but also is witty. His paintings mainly included people in them, but to paint them better and to understand the body he had actually dissected human bodies.
Sources: https://www.biography.com/people/leonardo-da-vinci-40396 and The Artisitc Movements of the Renaissance Notes -
Jun 22, 1495
Renaissance Art : The Last Supper Painting
The Last supper was a painting that was painted by the artist Leonardo Da Vinci from 1495 - 1498. This painting captures the moment that Jesus had found out that one of his friends will betray him. Vinci had included many different facial expressions on the men in the painting. This painting was created with using tempera and oil onto dried plaster, which had led to it to deteriorate quickly.
Source: Art Performance Task Research Essay
https://www.biography.com/people/leonardo-da-vinci-40396 -
Marriage in the renaissance
In the Renaissance your parents had arranged the marriage. They did this to strengthen your family and businesses. The marriages in the renaissance had dowry's. They had done this, because the husband of the family was the money carer, he had determined the decisions of the children and he had control over the children up until they reached an adult.
Source: Book -
Jun 22, 1510
The Pocket Watch
The pocket watch was first invented in 1510 by a man named Peter Heinlein. The first pocket watches were too big to fit into pockets,they were bulky and didn't have a glass cover for the watch face.Throughout time a smaller version was created. The smaller version was created by Charles ll of England. The pocket watch was also not just used to tell time it was also big in fashion before World War l.
Citations: The Pocket Watch Smore's from Jacob and Dalton -
Jun 22, 1517
Martin Luther had accused the Church of selling Indulgences. Martin had wanted to tell out the truth about salvation. Martin Luther had made the 95 thesis and nailed it to the door of the church.
Source: Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation Notes -
Jun 22, 1517
Luther's followers did not agree with the Catholic Church teachings. Luther had believed that reading the bible was the only way to have a good life. Martin had translated the bible into German for them to be able to read it too. -
Jun 22, 1555
The Violin was first created in Italy in the year of 1555 by a man named Andrea Amati. The first Violin has only 3 strings on it and they were also made out of animal intestines. After he had created the three stringed violin, he also had created the four stringed as well. In the renaissance the violin was used to play music for people to dance to.
Citations: Violin Smore's Audrey and Brady S -
The Scientific Method
Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes and Issac Newton had all developed the Scientific method. In The Renaissance it was actually discovered by Galileo. Galileo had used experiments to analyze data which were to prove or disprove his theories on things. Which is the scientific method
Sources: http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php -
In the Renaisscance was when we had started learning about the world outside of religions. During the renaissance multiple different people had theories about spance. Nicolaus had believed that the sun was the center of the universe. Galelio had improved th telespcope in the renaissance, he figured out multiple new discoveries abut the universe.
Sources: http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php