ELM 440 Timeline

  • 504 Plan

    Section 504 is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination of students on the bases of a handicapping condition.

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (“FERPA”), § 513 of P.L. 93- 380 (The Education Amendments of 1974), was signed into law by President Ford on August 21, 1974, with an effective date of November 19, 1974, 90 days after enactment. FERPA was enacted as a new § 4381 of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) called “Protection of the Rights and Privacy of Parents and Students
  • IDEA

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law that supports special education and related service programming for children and youth with disabilities. It was originally known as the Education of Handicapped Children Act, passed in 1975. In 1990, amendments to the law were passed, effectively changing the name to IDEA. In 1997 and again in 2004, additional amendments were passed to ensure equal access to education.
  • Public Law 94-142

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) was passed in 1975 to support states protection of the rights of youth with disabilities along with supporting their families. This law was renamed in 1990 to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Prior to this law, students with disabilities were denied opportunities and access in public education with certain students being excluded from laws.
  • Individualized Education Program

    The IEP was first introduced into school systems when the right of students with disabilities to attend public schools were legally recognized under the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) in 1975. Prior to the Act, many students with disabilities were not allowed to attend school at all. IEPs made it so that teachers and other service providers in schools had a resource to further the learning of students with disabilities.
  • The Birth of Kia Johnson

    Alyssa's mom, Kia Johnson, was born in 1977. She's a wild one
  • The Birth of Erin McGowan

    Kianna's mom, Erin McGowan was born. She's a G
  • First MLK Jr. Day

    1983 was the first year MLK jr. was recognized as having a holiday
  • NC State wins NCAA Basketball championship

    NCSU won it all in 1983, led by Jimmy V. This was the one and only time we took a national dub.
  • LA Olympics

    The 1984 Summer Olympics took place in LA. Carl Lewis won the same event that Jesse Owens won in 1936!
  • ADA

    Signed into law in 1990 by President George H.W. Bush, this landmark civil rights legislation increases access and opportunity for people with disabilities across community life, including employment.
  • First viral video of a dancing baby

    Pre social media internet - the first viral video of a dancing baby was uploaded.
  • NCLB

    In 2002, President Bush signed the bipartisan No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). This bipartisan law brought Republicans and Democrats together to expand opportunities for American children of all backgrounds and provide them with the quality of education they deserve. President Bush transformed the Federal government's approach to education through No Child Left Behind. African American and Hispanic students have posted all-time highs in a number of categories.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    The ESSA was passed in December of 2015 by President Obama which reauthorized the 5 decade old Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Thanks to the efforts of teachers, families, service providers, etc. progress over the years was incorporated into this act.