The Profession

  • Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford)

    First to label nutrition as a science in the
    late 1800’s
  • Founders of the Profession

    Wrote “A Treatise on Domestic
    Economy” in 1841
  • Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford)

    Rumford Kitchen at the Chicago World’s
    Fair of 1893 named after Rumford
  • Lake Placid Conference

    eleven leaders gathered in lake placid NY decided that home economics be the new name for their study
  • Ellen S. Richardson

    sold neutrinos lunches at the Chicago world fair included nutritive value and cost per serving in 1894
  • Martha Rensselaer

    Attended Lake Placid Conference 1899
  • Founders continued

    Developed Cooperative Extension Service
    Programs at Cornell University, N.Y in 1900
  • Smith-Hughes ACT

    Established FACS as part of Vocational (CTE) Education
  • Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics

    ADA founded in 1917 by 58 people who saw
    the need for persons educated in the
    science of nutrition and trained in the art
    of feeding people
  • Clara Belle Drisdane Williams

    awarded honorary doctorate degree from New Mexico
    State University who apologized for treatment as a student
  • Clara Belle Drisdane Williams

    Died 108 years of age
  • Clara Belle Drisdane Williams

    New Mexico State University named English Building after