Queen elizabeth

Elizabeth I Timeline

By R0gu3
  • Period: Sep 7, 1533 to


  • Sep 20, 1550

    The New Faith

    The New Faith
    Elizabeth was seen as a savior, since she was seen as an icon of "the new faith". This was occuring before she even was Queen. Men and Women respected her as if she was a King and a Man.
  • Sep 20, 1555


    As Princess Elizabeth she survived a scandal concerning herself and Thomas Seymour, the husband of her stepmother Katharine Parr
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Elizabeth I crowned

    Elizabeth I crowned
    Elizabeth I was crowned Queen by Owen Oglethorpe, bishop of Carlisle at Westminster Abbey, a little less than two months after the death of Mary I. This was a huge deal because Elizabeth was constantly getting imprisoned before all of these occurances. Supposedly wanted to kill Queen Mary to take on the role herself. Finally she was Queen and no longer getting accused.
  • Nov 15, 1560

    Single Woman

    Single Woman
    This is an important factor because at the time it had been thought that Men were in control and they could only conquer. But Queen Elizabeth had prooven that she could rule without a man for guidance.
  • Sep 20, 1565

    Her Reign

    Her Reign
    Her reign witnessed widespread increase in literacy and great achievements in the arts - great poets and playrights emerged during her era such as William Shakespeare
  • Sep 20, 1566


    The reign of Queen Elizabeth I also saw significant expansion overseas. Great explorers were encouraged
  • Sep 20, 1575

    Gifted and Talented

    Gifted and Talented
    She was a very gifted scholar who was an accomplished linguist with the ability to speak several languages including Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and Welsh
  • Excuted Mary - The Competition

    Excuted Mary - The Competition
    Mary had a strong and legitimate claim to the throne of England. She was Elizabeth's competition and she knew that Mary needed to be exterminated. She signed the papers for Mary's death. Not only was Queen Elizabeth I the most powerful woman of her times but she was also one of the smartest.
  • Poor Laws

    Poor Laws
    Queen Elizabeth established the Poor Laws - she achieved a new framework of support for the needy
  • Leading Power of Europe Conquered by Elizabeth I

    Leading Power of Europe Conquered by Elizabeth I
    Queen Elizabeth achieved recognition for England as a leading power in Europe
  • Defeated attempts of invasion

    Defeated attempts of invasion
    The English navy defeated further attempts at invasion in 1596 and 1597
  • Religion

    She established Protestantism as the country's religion
  • Importance of all the events..

    Importance of all the events..
    Queen Elizabeth I lead England as a woman, in what was very much a man's World, and she did this with courage, intelligence and loyalty to her friends