Elizabeth hall

  • Father died

    Father died
    A Elizabeth father died in 1835
  • Elizabeth hall was born on the 1796 in England

    Elizabeth hall was born on the 1796 in England
  • A Elizabeth was tried at Newcastle at 18 years old

    A Elizabeth was tried at Newcastle at 18 years old
  • She left for a 7 year sentence to New South Wales on the lady Peryh

    She left for a 7 year sentence to New South Wales on the lady Peryh
  • A Elizabeth stoll a property which is called larceny

    A Elizabeth stoll a property which is called larceny
  • Arrived at New South Wales in 29th of september in 1788

    Arrived at New South Wales in 29th of september in 1788
  • A Elizabeth hall died on 13th of May

    A Elizabeth hall died on 13th of May