Elizabeth Fry

  • Elizabeth Fry is born

  • Elizabeth's mother Catherine dies

  • Elizabeth is inspired by the preaching of Priscilla Hannah Gurney, Deborah Darney and William Savery

  • Elizabeth marries Joseph Fry

  • Acknowledged as a Quaker Minister

  • Visits Newgate Prison for the first time

  • Founds the Association for the Reformation of the Female Prisoners in Newgate

  • Elizabeth takes journeys across England to different prisons

  • Founds the Brighton District Visiting Society

  • Publishes her handbook 'Observations on the Visiting, Superintendence, and Government, of Female Prisoners'

  • Husband goes bankrupt

  • Prints another handbook 'Hints on the Advantages and the Duties of Ladies'

  • Started a training school for nurses

  • Elizabeth dies