Elizabeth I

  • Sep 7, 1533


    Elizabeth was born on September 7th 1533 in Greenwich, England . Her parents were Henry VIII of England and Anne Boleyn, who was executed because the king wanted a boy.
  • 1535


    Anne Boley died when Elizabeth was only two years.
    She grew up in London with Henry's sixth wife, Catherine Parr. Elizabeth was highly educated and could speak several lenguages fluently.
  • 1555

    The reing of Mary Tudor

    After the death of Henry VIII and his only son Edward, Mary was one of his daughters and she takes the throne. Elisabeth was next in the line after Mary for the crown's life.
    She was determined to return England to catholicism and because Elisabeth was protestant she imprisiones her in the Tower of London.
  • 1559

    The beginning of her reign

    The beginning of her reign
    Elizabeth I started her reign with 25 years after Mary Tudor's death in 1558.
    Despite the fact that Mary Tudor pleaded with her to keep the Catholic faith, Elizabeth ignored her wish and reestablished Protestantism as the faith of England.
    However, Elizabeth wants to avoid the religious extremes of Mary and Edward's reign and prevent people from practicing their preferred religion in private.
  • 1559

    Alliances with Spain

    Alliances with Spain
    Philip II of Spain had offered to marry her but she rejected him due to problems with other countries. Although some time later they were forced to join forces.
  • 1560

    Golden Age of progress in England

    Trade expanded rapidly bringing in wealth and exploration brouhgt prestige to the country.
  • 1562

    Elizabeth I declined marriage

    Throughout her life, she remained single, despite frequent attempts by parliament to persuade her to provide an heir.
    Elizabeth I declined marriage stating the welfare of her country was her priority.
  • Big challenge

    Big challenge
    As a consequence of the execution of one of her heirs and Mary Queen of Scots, Philip II of Spain who was a catholic king launched an invasion of England to remove Elizabeth and restore catholicism.
    Elizabeth I made a speech to the English soldier:
    «I know that I have the body of a weak woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too"
    The English navy aided by bad weather would severely defeated the invading armad.
  • Elizabeth's death

    On the 24th of March elizabeth died at Richmond palace.
    However, her lack of direct heir meant that she was the last of the Tudor monarchs. After his death, the Crown passed to Jaime I, who was a protestant.