
US2 Eli Whitney to Brown v. Board of Education 6 Degrees of Separation

  • The Birth of The Inventor Eli Whitney

    The Birth of The Inventor Eli Whitney
    The Inventor Eli Whitney is the Man who would develop the idea of mass production threw interchangeable parts and the cotton gin
  • The Cotton Gin is Patented

    The Cotton Gin is Patented
    The Cotton gin is patented becoming the first fast cotton de-seeder thew world has ever seen which also helps the southern United State's economy, who allows slavery and that won’t become a problem right…….
  • Rise of The Need for Slaves

    Rise of The Need for Slaves
    “hey look a free work force to make me tons of money and now with the invention of the cotton gin I can make even more money to buy more slaves and the circle will just go around and around making me money” - Every Rich White Land Owning Southerner After 1794
  • Beginning Of Jim Crow Laws

    Beginning Of Jim Crow Laws
    The bloodbath of the American Civil War is over but now we are faced with Reconstruction and with southern hate for almost everything at the time they need a way to feel powerful and control the one group they hate the most, African Americans and then Jim Crow Laws were born.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Separate but Equal well that solves all the oppressive issues while compromising with the bigots. all is well right?... NOPE the separate is met to the letter the equal especially schools are not
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    good little Linda Brown challenging society at the core all because of the black school and white school we are touched by this today and our school system would be completely different without it