Initiate Lincoln Park High School’s Local School Council (LSC) to create the Parent Teacher Equity Committee, identify one parent representative and one teacher representative to co-lead the committee. -
Local School Council (LSC)
Creates and distributes separate surveys to faculty and parents, asking for identifiable equity issues within the school and seeking interest and volunteers in joining Parent Teacher Equity Committee -
LSC Representatives
Based on survey feedback, create sub-committees and assign roles and responsibilities, including sub committee chairs -
Assistant Principal in charge of School Climate
Create and distribute a sample agenda for first meetings of sub committees. -
Sub Committee Chairs
Schedule and lead first meeting -
Assistant Principal in charge of School Climate
Review meeting notes from each subcommittee, identify trends and provide suggestions for trainings / next steps -
LSC Representatives
After multiple meetings of subcommittees, identify trends and recommendations to Principal -
Present LSC with Committee findings, present plan to implement changes identified by subcommittees -
Local School Council
Provide approval for identified changes, including approval of changes to budget based on findings