Educational Technology Timeline

  • APPLE IPAD (7th grade)

    APPLE IPAD (7th grade)
    In 7th grade, my school provided and required all students to have an iPad. They also offered free Wi-Fi to low-income families. The iPads were used to collaborate with classmates and teachers and increase student motivation.
  • APPLE IPAD & EMAIL (8th grade)

    APPLE IPAD & EMAIL (8th grade)
    Similar to 7th grade, my school offered iPads to use in both classes and home. Personally, the iPad helped me the most in keeping contact with my teachers. At the time, I didn't have a phone and would sometimes face issues with assignments at home.

    In 9th grade, I took a computers course and learned the basics of excel, word, and etc. Additionally, I learned every key placement on the keyboard.
  • EMAILS, RESUMES (10th grade)

    EMAILS, RESUMES (10th grade)
    In 10th, I took a management course which is consisted of computers. I learned how to write emails, create resumes, and find scholarly data.
  • GOOGLE CLASSROOM (11th grade)

    GOOGLE CLASSROOM (11th grade)
    Junior year of high school, I took a management 2 and continued to learn how to optimize technologies in workplace. In addition, my other courses assigned laptops and we were taught to use google classroom.
  • ZOOM & EMAILS (12th grade)

    ZOOM & EMAILS (12th grade)
    Senior year, I did not take a computer course. However, midway in the schoolyear, covid was on the rise and we were quarantined. Students were required to participate in online classes- which mostly consists of lots of email, zoom calls, and collaboration with my classmates.
  • IPAD & CANVAS CALENDAR (Freshman in college 2021)

    IPAD & CANVAS CALENDAR (Freshman in college 2021)
    The world was in a pandemic; thus, students were in online school. I took 5 courses, 4 were online and 1 was hybrid. I thoroughly learned how to use canvas to its fullest advantage. For instance, using the calendar to track my assignments. Additionally, I invested in an iPad to help reduce paper use.
  • ANIMOTO & GOOGLE SEARCH TRICKS (Sophomore in college 2022)

    ANIMOTO & GOOGLE SEARCH TRICKS (Sophomore in college 2022)
    In fall of Sophomore year, I took 5 online courses. I learned about Animoto and how to use it. Additionally, I learned how to better collect data using google search tricks.
  • COMPUTER & GOOGLE SOFTWARE (Freshman in college 2022)

    COMPUTER & GOOGLE SOFTWARE (Freshman in college 2022)
    Spring semester, I took 5 online courses. I used my iPad to write notes and invested in a computer build to better my online learning experience. I mostly used google docs to write essays and canvas to complete my assignments and contact my classmates and professors.
  • CANVAS & NSC ONLINE LIBRARY (Sophomore in college 2023)

    CANVAS & NSC ONLINE LIBRARY (Sophomore in college 2023)
    In spring of 2023, I took 5 online courses. I mostly used Google docs, Google slides, and canvas in throughout my courses. Additionally, I utilized the NSC online library for its scholarly published library for class research assignments.