Period: to
1850-1900 Cultural Events
1861-1865: Civil War
1868: 14th Amendment, which defined citizenship, was ratified July 9.
1886: Statue of Liberty is dedicated October 28.
1890: National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) is founded on July 2.
1896: Plessy v Ferguson ruled that seperate was equal according to the constitution. -
Period: to
Life of Sigmusd Freud
5 Stages of Psychological Development
1. Oral--birth to 1 1/2 years
2. Anal--1 1/2 to 3 years
3. Phallic--3 to 6 years
4. Latency--6 to puberty
5. Genital--puberty and on. -
Period: to
Life of John Dewey
Period: to
Life of Jean Piaget
Stages of Cognitive Development
1. Sensorimotor--birth to 2 years
2. Preoperational--2 to 7 years
3. Concrete Operational--7 to 11 years
4. Formal Operational--11-15 years to adulthood -
Period: to
1900-1950 Cultural Events
early 1900's: Jane Addams runs Hull House.
1914-1918: World War I
1915: first long distance phone call between New York and San Fransisco
1918: World-wide influenza epidemic--20 million die. -
Period: to
Life of Erik Erikson
Psychological Stages of Development
1. Trust vs Mistrust--birth to 1 year
2. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt--1 to 3 years
3. Initiative vs Guilt--3 to 5 years
4. Industry vs Inferiority--middle and late childhood
5. Identity vs Identity confusion--10 to 20 years
6. Intimacy vs Isolation--20-40 years
7. Generativity vs Stagnation--40-60 years
8. Integrity vs Despair--60 years and on -
Period: to
Life of Abraham Maslow
Hierachy of Needs
* first published in Maslow's 1943 paper "A Theory of Human
Motivation" -
Period: to
Life of Urie Brofenbrenner
Ecological Systems Theory
1. Individual
2. Microsystem
3. Mesosystem
4. Exosystem
5. Macrosystem -
Period: to
Life of Albert Bandura
Social Learning Theory (Recently renamed Social Cognitive Theory)
1. Personal
2. Behavioral
3. Environmental -
Period: to
World War II
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
(bottom to top)
1. Basic Needs
2. Safety Needs
3. Social Needs
4. Esteem Needs
5. Self Actualization -
Period: to
Cold War
American Association on Mental Deficiency,
parent organizations formed, “United Cerebral Palsy Association”, “Muscular Dystrophy Association,” and the “John F. Kennedy’s Panel on Mental Retardation,” which was established by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. -
Period: to
Vietman War
Period: to
1950-1999 Cultural Events
1954: Brown v Board of Ed
1959: Alaska becomes the 49th state
1963: Martin Luther King Jr. Gives his "I Have a Dream Speech" and JFK is assassinated.
1981: Sandra Day O'Connor is appointed first woman to the Supreme Court.
1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall -
The ARC was founded
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Desegregation of public schools based on the fourteenth amendment.
Set a precedent for future rulings for children with disabilities. -
Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera reported the conditions of Wollowbrook Institution to expose how people with disablilties were living. -
The Rehabilitation Act
(P.L. 93-112); Considered the first Civil Rights legislation specifically for people with disabilities. -
Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act
(P.L. 94-103); Persons with developmental disabilites have a right to appropriate treatment -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
(P.L. 94-142) Landmark legislation designating federal funding for federal requirements to improve programs for children with disabilities. This legislation ensured that students would not be turned away regardless of the severity of their disability. (Free Appropriate Public Education, FAPE) -
Social Cognitive Theory
Bandura's Social Learning Theory, later renamed the Social Cogntive Theory, was first outlined in 1986 in his work "Social Foundations of Thought and Action." -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA
(P.L. 101-476)
-Reauthorization of EAHCA.
-Put into law "people first" language.
-Increased the age of service to 21.
-Transition planning for children 14 years of ags.
-Assisted technology to increase independence.
-Related services -
Hand, B., Buesing, G., McMillin, S. (2013). World History Project. Retrieved from worldhistoryproject.org Murdick, N. L., Gartin, B. C., & Crabtree, T. (2007). Special education law. (Second ed.). Upper Saddle River N.J.: Pearson Education Inc. U.s. history timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.infoplease.com