Period: to
Educational Options - Present and Future
Educational Options Technology PD
Community Day School and Independent Studies Program teachers learned how to use Google Docs and Gooru to use Technology in the classroom shifting from direct instruction to interactive collaboration. -
Independent Studies Program
Students using an IPAD to check in & out of program. -
CDS students
Students using Google Docs and Voki to communicate with teachers. -
No learning boundaries
Students learning from anywhere and everywhere in Santa Ana. Graduating as digtial citizens ready for any digital environment. -
Virtual Program Planning Period
Collaborate with Educational Services for Grand Opening of Virtual Program in Sept. 2015 -
21st Century Learning PD
The Rollout of 21st century learning mindshift for both CDS & ISP -
Coaching and Support
Supporting Teacher led PDs and Classroom coaching to encourage best PBL practices. -
Open Space learning for Educational Options
Allowing eganging. interactive, independent PBL for students. -
CTE partnerships
Students enrolled in CTE internship classes, allowing for certification and getting paid as they learn. -
Community Projects
Students participating in the community as a class during second semester of 2017. -
Parent Learning with Students
Parents learning from their students during school hours. -
Endless learning boundaries - No Bell Schedules
SAUSD students learning from anywhere and everyhwere.