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Educational Evolution Events 1986-Present

  • 1986- Education of the Deaf Act

    1986- Education of the Deaf Act
    The Education of the Deaf Act was signed on August 4, 1986. This Act improved education programs in schools for deaf individuals throughout the United States. Throughout the United States the school system and states had to revise and consolidate to the new law.
  • 1990- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    1990- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was a modification of the Education for all Handicapped Children Act. This act ensures that students with special needs have the proper public education, this also helps students receive added assistance and allows them to participate in the activities all other students participate.
  • 1994- Educate America Act

    1994- Educate America Act
    This Act was signed on March 31, 1994, this Act provided schools and teachers with computers in the classroom and it was a framework for teachers to measure students performance.
  • 1999- Columbine High School Shooting

    1999- Columbine High School Shooting
    On April 20th two high school students murdered twelve students and one teacher, because of this school safety changes were made. Some of the changes that occurred were visitors had to sign in, locks were placed on classroom doors and outside entrances and locked once closed, drills were conducted, officers around schools, in some cases metal detectors, fencing and barriers were done.
  • 2002- The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    2002- The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This Act also known as the no child left behind Act was signed in 2002 on January 8th, is for schools to be accountable for students performance whether they had disabilities or not. This Act requires schools to have a form of assessments to measure students academic skills. This law allows the education system in each state to have their own evaluation, this also lets schools demonstrate the progress of the schools and students.
  • 2008- Higher Education Opportunity Act

    2008- Higher Education Opportunity Act
    This Act reauthorized the 1965 version. The new law contains important provisions in post-secondary education with students that have intellectual disabilities. One of the provisions that is important that this act provides, and helps the student significantly, financial aid to help these students with their academic needs.
  • 2015- The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    2015- The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
    This law was amended and signed on December 10, 2015 from the No Child Left Behind Act. The new law includes key areas of progress, the law upholds protection for Americas disadvantage and high-needs students, high academic standards to prepare them for college and their future careers. The Act also allows to give progressive information for the families, community, educator and student, and the lowest performing schools are held accountable and will be given positive assistance.
  • 2018- The Global Girls Alliance

    2018- The Global Girls Alliance
    This group pioneered by Michelle Obama works through the Obama Foundation with South side communities and 1,400 members. Working to get girls to go to school and get an education and empower them, it isn't just in the United States but all around the world.