Education Through the Years

  • Brown v Board of Education, Topeka

    Brown v Board of Education, Topeka
    Segregation was found to be unconstitutional and this case was used as a precedent for arguing that all children are entitled to a public education.
  • Parc v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Parc v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    1st right to education suit. It secured a quality education for all children. Previously, states could deny an education to anyone who didn't have the mental age of 5 years old.
  • Mills v Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    Mills v Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    This extended the previous Parc/Commonwealth of Pennsylvania discussion so that all children with disabilities can receive customized learning by notifying the parents as a protection of the student.
  • Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act
    This protects the rights of disabled individuals that receive federal financial assistance, but the student must have a major life function limitation.
  • Public Law 94-142

    Public Law 94-142
    Guaranteed a free, appropriate, public education while assuring students and their parent's rights. It also assisted states in providing and assessing effectiveness.
  • Public Law 99-457

    Public Law 99-457
    All Handicapped Children Act mandates states provide services to families of children born with disabilities from birth.
  • Tatro v State of Texas

    Tatro v State of Texas
    Supreme court found that catheterization qualified as a related service under PL 94-142
  • Public Law 101-476

    Public Law 101-476
    Traumatic brain injuries and autism were added as new disability categories, AND IEP (transitional plan) were mandated to help the student transition to post-secondary life.
  • EHCA becomes IDEA

    EHCA becomes IDEA
    There is an emphasis on providing students with the same curriculum and given the authority to expand "developmental delay" definition from birth to 9 years old.
  • Winkelman v Parma City School District

    Winkelman v Parma City School District
    Parents gained the right to represent their kids in IDEA-related court cases and overall expanded parental involvement in their children's education.