Education Technology Timeline

  • The rise of mobile devices

    The rise of mobile devices
    The Apple iPad, launched in 2010, is playing a key role in popularizing the use of tablets in education. Schools are beginning to integrate these mobile devices into classrooms, opening up new possibilities for interactive learning, collaboration and access to online educational resources.
  • Start of MOOCs

    Start of MOOCs
    In 2011, Stanford University launched three free online courses, marking the beginning of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In 2012, platforms such as Coursera and edX are created, enabling renowned universities to offer online courses open to a wide audience. Millions of people around the world sign up for these MOOCs, demonstrating the rise of online learning on a global scale. This is a crucial period for the popularization of online university courses.
  • Development of Learning Analytics

    Development of Learning Analytics
    A period of growing interest in Learning Analytics, which involve the use of student-generated data to improve teaching and learning processes. Institutions are beginning to explore how to analyze this data to provide insights into student performance, personalize pedagogical approaches and anticipate educational needs.
  • Innovation in online collaboration tools

    Innovation in online collaboration tools
    Online collaboration tools are evolving, offering more advanced features for communication and teamwork. Platforms like Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) and Microsoft 365 are becoming major players, facilitating collaboration between students and teachers, even remotely.
  • Growing adoption of connected educational devices (EdTech)

    Growing adoption of connected educational devices (EdTech)
    Connected educational devices, such as interactive whiteboards and digital pens, are gaining in adoption. These technologies transform classrooms into interactive spaces, encouraging student participation and facilitating the sharing of digital resources.
  • Strengthening data security and confidentiality

    Strengthening data security and confidentiality
    With the growing use of educational technologies, data security and confidentiality are becoming major concerns. Educational institutions and technology providers are implementing enhanced measures to protect students' personal information.
  • Expanding the use of virtual reality (VR) in education

    Expanding the use of virtual reality (VR) in education
    Virtual reality continues to expand in education, with increasingly diverse applications. Virtual reality headsets are used for virtual museum tours, scientific and medical simulations, offering students more immersive learning experiences.
  • Growing role of educational chatbots

    Growing role of educational chatbots
    Educational chatbots are becoming more widespread, offering instant support to students for questions related to content, homework or course planning. They contribute to personalized assistance and time management for learners.
  • Increasing popularity of online university credit courses

    Increasing popularity of online university credit courses
    Online university courses offering academic credits are becoming more widely accepted. Universities are expanding their online course offerings, allowing students to earn credits without having to be physically present on campus.
  • Massive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online education

    Massive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online education
    The global pandemic is forcing a rapid transition to online education worldwide. Schools, from primary to university level, are massively adopting distance learning solutions to enable continuity of learning despite physical closures.
  • Focus on students' mental well-being

    Focus on students' mental well-being
    The transition to online learning highlights the importance of students' mental well-being. Institutions are implementing initiatives to offer online psychological support and encourage social connectivity despite physical distance.