Vocational Rehabilitation Act (Public Law 93-112)
The VRA showed how a "handicapped person" is sufficiently defined and also gave specifics to the definition of an "appropriate education." Also, the U.S. Department of Eduation makes sure that students with disabilities gets the kind of educationsal services that they need to succeded in school. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142)
The EAHCA stated that schools had to provide children with disabilities a free and appropriate public education. It also began the development of Individualized Education Plans which provides students with objectives and goals that pertain to their education. The EAHCA also defined what is the "least restrictive environment." -
Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336)
As it pertains to the private sector in the workforce, the ADA prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities. "The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation." -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 101-476)
The IDEA states that "children with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public education and that each child's education will be planned and monitored with an individualized education program or an individualized family service plan." It also added autism and TBI to the list of disbilities and required schools to educate students in order to help them transition into society. The IDEA also established "people-first" language. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act II (Public Law 105-17)
PL 105-17 required that students with disabilities will still receive appropriate services even if they are expelled from school. It also ensure students access to the general education curriculum when appropriate. It required the IEP team to be proactive as it pertained to students with behavioral problems. "It helped identify children with special needs before they enter school and provided services to help them." -
No Child Left Behind Act
The NCLB held schools accountable as it pertained to the performance of all students, including minorities and students with special needs. It gave students their choice of schools if the students are currently enrolled in failing schools. "NCLB requires each state to establish state academic standards and a state testing system that meet federal requirements." -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (Public Law 108-446)
It required teachers and officials to provide a validated intervention to students to help determine whether the student would benefit from special education services. PL 108-446 also raised the standards on someone who is seeking a special education license.