Technological Innovation
In the early 1800s, classrooms began to change as tech innovation came into teaching (Pg. 186). -
The chalkboard
This was the first piece of new technology that was introduced in the classroom. In America, the first use of a chalkboard was at West Point by George Baron.
(History of the Classroom Blackboard. (2017, November 08). Retrieved from https://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/classroom-resources/the-history-of-the-classroom-blackboard/) -
The first seating used in classrooms were long benches and tables often contributed by parents. These have evolved over time from desks, to circular tables to encourage students to interact with one another.
(https://prezi.com/dg2kqy84bxh6/the-history-of-classrooms/) -
Towards the late 19th century, many pencils were found inside the everyday classroom. These eventually replaced the slate, a small chalkboard that students used to copy down lessons.
(Dunn, J. (2011, April 18). The Evolution of Classroom Technology. Retrieved from http://www.edudemic.com/classroom-technology/) -
Books may become obsolete
In 1913, Thomas Edison believed that within the next 10 years books would no longer be used in classrooms because eveything could be taught to children through films (Pg. 187). -
Lesson plans have been sent over radio in the past, and the New York City Board of Education was the first to do so. There were actually "schools on the air" which broadcasted lessons to many American students.
(Dunn, J. (2011, April 18). The Evolution of Classroom Technology. Retrieved from http://www.edudemic.com/classroom-technology/) -
Ballpoint Pen
While invented in 1888, this pen did not begin to gain recognition until the early 1940s. This became a well known tool in classrooms.
(Dunn, J. (2011, April 18). The Evolution of Classroom Technology. Retrieved from http://www.edudemic.com/classroom-technology/) -
The Pledge of Allegiance
Often said at the beginning of the school day in elementary schools, the pledge has become well know within schools systems. Many children learn it at a young age and have been saying it since they were little.
(Pledge of Allegiance Fast Facts. (2018, April 15). Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2013/09/04/us/pledge-of-allegiance-fast-facts/index.html) -
Due to theories that repetition helps students learn, many schools started to install listening labs where students used headphones to listen to and repeat lesson.
(Dunn, J. (2011, April 18). The Evolution of Classroom Technology. Retrieved from http://www.edudemic.com/classroom-technology/) -
Xerox introduced office photocopying in 1959, and although one day they may become obsolete they have been a staple in high school offices. -
The overhead projector
In the 1960s the projector became widely used in the classroom. Before this, they were used to train troops during Wolrd War II, and were used in bowling alleys to show scores.
(The Surprising History of the Overhead Projector... #WayBackWednesday. (2018, April 12). Retrieved from https://www.audiovisual-installations.com/surprising-history-overhead-projector-waybackwednesday/) -
Liquid Paper
A secratary made the substance in her kitchen and made millions off of it. The rest is history. Now many teachers keep this on their desks in case they make a small error.
(Dunn, J. (2011, April 18). The Evolution of Classroom Technology. Retrieved from http://www.edudemic.com/classroom-technology/) -
Students can use different spreadsheets, like Excel, to write and analyze data. They can create graphs to show data in different ways and give different views to the information (Pg. 193). -
Hand-Held Calclator
The first calculator paved the way for all of the calculators that we use today. When first adopting them into education, many teachers were scared to use them because students might forget to learn basic math skills.
(Dunn, J. (2011, April 18). The Evolution of Classroom Technology. Retrieved from http://www.edudemic.com/classroom-technology/) -
Whiteboards were created in the early 1960s but did not become widely used until almost 40 years later. Early adaptations with markers had to be wiped with damp cloths and often left behind marks.
(19 Essential Materials that Every Teacher Needs in the Classroom. (2015, March 17). Retrieved from https://www.teachforamerica.org/stories/19-essential-materials-that-every-teacher-needs-in-the-classroom) -
Period: to
Computer usage is a well-known staple in education today. E-mailing started to become more widely used in the early 2000s. Within that timeframe the number of emails each day has jumped from 12 billion to about 247 million (Pg. 188). -
Interactive Whiteboard
Moving up from the blackboard, the interactive whiteboard came with computer usage, a projector, and a touch sensative screen.
(Dunn, J. (2011, April 18). The Evolution of Classroom Technology. Retrieved from http://www.edudemic.com/classroom-technology/) -
Learning activities online are becoming more common in the classroom, and WebQuest is an inquiry based learning activity that help learners use information fro the Web (Pg. 201). -
Simulations can be a fun way to explore different situations and environments that are not redily available to students. They can be used in every field, and are based on numerous concepts (Pg. 202). -
VIrtual Field Trips
Virtual field trips can provide information certain sites that students are not able to visit. They're often creates by students and encourages them to create something that's their own (Pg. 203). -
In order to present information, teachers are always looking for more interesting and interactive ways to share information. Prezi in one of the many formas of presenting, and is useful for teachers and students (Pg. 193). -
Education has continued to evolve, and many schools provide laptops or even Ipads to their students. They're used in everyday classroom activities and can replace textbooks in some schools.
(Dunn, J. (2011, April 18). The Evolution of Classroom Technology. Retrieved from http://www.edudemic.com/classroom-technology/)