
Education 2020

  • Train secondary Tech teachers in PBL

  • current traditional classrooms

    current traditional classrooms
    Traditional: students in rows, teacher as holder of the knowledge
  • disengaged, bored students

    disengaged, bored students
  • training

  • Period: to

    Educational Change

  • Teachers use GOOGLE APPs to collaborate

  • ALl rooms have doc cameras and projectors

  • Teachers store lessons and units online in a shared directory

  • Decide on a platform for K-1

  • District WIde Wireless

  • Define Grade Level Tech Standards

  • Teachers trained to build capacity in using Tech

  • Problem Based Learning

    Problem Based Learning
  • GHS 1:1

  • Teachers trained in fully utilizing Tech

    Teachers trained in fully utilizing Tech
  • Sycamore 1:1

  • Wilson 1:1

  • 1:1 Technology

    1:1 Technology
  • Fully engaged tech savy students

    Fully engaged tech savy students