Districts invest In PD to prepare for Common Core Standards
Edutopia Video on PBLDistricts begin considering professional development options for teachers and administrators as they prepare for the California Common Core Standards. Project Based Learning with an integration of technology will be one solution schools and districts seek out. -
Focus on infrastructure to support mobile devices
Districts will see that online web 2.0 tools and e-textbooks have a lot to offer and provide cost savings. They will need to build a more robust infrastructure to support the demands of these mobile devices. -
Students retrieve textbooks and required reading through the use of web 2.0 tools and electronic textbooks and resources. This will be predominant at the high school level and then lower grades. -
Mobile Technology Expands 1 to 1
It will become a norm for students K-12 to have 1 to 1 access of mobile technologies that can be carried from home to school. Schools will continue to explore the use of cell phones in education. Districts will set up pilot sites. -
Smarter Balanced Assessment
Smarter Balanced TimelineStates administer summative assessment during last 12 weeks of the school year. -
Equity and Access Discussions
Following the first SBAC release of results there will be many discussions on equity and access to technology for all students. The digital divide will be a focus of funding and professional development. -
Students in internships in high school.
It will become more of the norm for high school students to have internships in their field of interest as part of their high school curriculum. This would provide an opportunity for students to apply their learning to "real life" situations. -
Creativity and Art
Creativity will be brough back into the classroom through problem solving and project based learning. -
Restructured Schools
Schools are being restructured to provide for more cooperative grouping. There are more opportunities for students to complete credits by working with professionals. Students take courses online. The walls of the classroom are breaking down.
Students provide proof of mastery rather than just a test grade. Digital portfolios are increasingly the norm for hgih school and are presented at the end of each semester to a group of peers, educators and invited business partners.