EDLL 314

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    • early education should be natural -children learn though curiosity
    • formal instruction can interfere with development
    • little adult intervention
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    -natural learning
    -develop through sensory manipulative experiences
    - involved manipulating objects he called gifts
    - touch, smell language, size and shape
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    • followed Pestalozzi's
    • plans for instructing young children
    • play in learning
    • first educator to design a systematic curriculum that involved objects and materials
    • many of his strategies are still used today
    • circle time, singing songs
    • found the term kindergarten which means children's garden
  • Maria Monressori

    she believed that children need an orderly and systematic training in order to master skills. To do this she used materials to meet specific objectives. These manipulative materials made children use their 5 senses to learn reading and math.
    - based on behaviorist theory
  • Maria Clay

    • Emergent Literacy is when children create their own forms of reading, writing and speaking. This happenes in preschool and kindergarten.
  • dewey

    • John Dewey
    • child centered currlculum
    • built around child's interest -learn through play in real life settings -themes is helpful with English language learners
  • Jean Piaget

    Cognitive Development
    -Sensorimotor, ages 0-2, thoughts are determined by senses
    -Preoperational, 2-7, language develops and thinking becomes concrete
    - concrete operational, 7-11, begins the though process and moves into some abstract ideas
    - formal operations, 11-adult, high level of thinking
    - interacting with the world
  • Vygotsky

    • learning occurs as a child acquires a new concept.
    • a schema is a mental structure where people store information
    • new concepts are learned when other provide feedback for children's thoughts
    • zone of proximal development is when a child can do parts of a task
  • Balanced comprehensive Approach

    -There is no single way to teach all children how to read
    -reading, writing, listening, speaking sand viewing
  • National Reading Panel

    • Evidence based research and public policy
    • individual sounds are in words -Vocabulary
    • Comprehension -Fluency
  • No Child Left Behind

    • reading first grants
    • money from the government
    • made sure kids were learning
  • Common Core Standards

    -evidence based research and public policy
    - work was started in 2007 and 2008
    -it is not a curriculum or method
    - many states have their own
  • Read to Succeed

    • act 284
    • to address literacy performance in South Carolina
    • make sure students graduate on time and with the skills they need to be successful
    • all students are skilled readers by the end of third grade