Child Find/Referral
The Child Find/Referral Program of New Hampshire allows the Special Education team to determine if a child has a disability after suspecting the possibility. Individuals must have signed consent from a parent to begin testing and complete the referral. -
Disposition of Referral
The disposition of Referral is to conduct a meeting with the proper individuals to identify what the needs are for the child in question. "is eligible under this part, must be made on an individual basis by the group responsible within the child’s LEA for making eligibility determinations" (NH DOE, 2012) -
Students partake in various testing (i.e. Hancock, WISC-III) and also be observed in their learning environment. Special Education team must choose an adequate test and tester. Upon completion of the evaluation, the special education team decides on the modifications and adjustments for the student. -
Determination of Eligibility for Special Educatiom
"In interpreting evaluation data for the purpose of determining if a child is a child with a disability under §300.8, and the educational needs of the child, each public agency must--(i) Draw upon information from a variety of sources, including aptitude and achievement tests, parent input, and teacher recommendations, as well as information about the child’s physical condition, social or cultural background, and adaptive behavior..." (NH DOE, 2012) -
Special Education team must decide on the specifics of an individuals modifications and needs, based on the disability. These must be conducted within 30 days of the testing and services (i.e. transportation, teacher accessibility) must be identified and secured. -
Student Placement
It is decided, at this point, where the students learning will proceed. Students should be placed in an L.R.E, also known as the Least Restrictive Environment. This means the child should be, in no way, kept back academically. Depending on the student disability, it is important that they are placed where they can grow, rather than potentially be held back. -
Progress Monitoring
Studentprogress.org"Progress monitoring is a scientifically based practice that is used to assess students' academic performance and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction." (Studentprogress.org) The results of the child's testing allow for teachers to pursue progress monitoring by modifying their lessons and becoming familiar with the needs of the students (NH DOE, 2012). -
Triennial Evaluation (if necessary)
Every three years, depending on the IEP, the special education team, parent/guardians and teachers will get together again to identify the progress made with the student. Also, long term goals will be presented and discussed through the child's young-adult life. Depending on the severity of the disability, the student may have a reevaluation even sooner.