Economic Globalization Timeline

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    First world war, caused postwar boom of the 1920s and devastated Germany's economy
  • Rise of Communism

    Rise of Communism
    Started with the Russian Revolution in 1917
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty signed on the 28th of June 1919 ended the state of war between the Central Powers and Allied Powers.
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    Stalin rose to power after being appointed by Lenin to the Bolshevik Party
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    Great Depression

    The economic shock that affected most countries in the world caused by a major fall in stock prices in the United States.
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    Hitler's rise to power started in 1934 when President Hindenburg died and Hitler became the Fuhrer of Germany.
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    The second World War started with Nazi Germany invading Poland and later on Japan bombing Pearl Harbour. Ended with the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
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    IMF (International Monetary Fund)

    Fosters global monetary cooperation between 189 member countries
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    World Bank

    International Financial Institution that provides loans and grants to countries in the interest of pursuing capital projects.
  • Bretton Woods Confrence

    Bretton Woods Confrence
    Created the IMF (International Monetary Fund)
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    GATT or General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs provided the rules for most of the world's trade
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    World Trade Organization

    Intergovernmental Organization that regulates and facilitates international trade. Cooperates with the United Nations