Economic Globalization

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    Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler was the dictator of in Germany for 6 years during the second world war and was the man who started the holocaust. This effected economic globalization because he was the one in control of Germany which means he makes the calls for what happens in the war. This caused a positive and negative effect in globalization because wars "Create Jobs" but can also destroy them.
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    Rise Of Communism

    The Rise Of Communism was started by the union of Soviet Socialist Republicans. The USSR was the worlds first communist state. This also got rid of Social classes and made everyone an equal. This was a negative effect on economic globalization because it prevented trade and took away status levels. Therefore no one could buy things or have lots of money.
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    World War 1

    The first world war pitted France, Britain, and Russia against Germany and Austria Hungry. 15 million soldiers were killed and Canada lost 66,000 soldiers. Many cities, towns, and farms were destroyed in this war. This war was against globalization because of all the massive repairs it caused.
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    After World War one The French savoured their revenge and on June 28 1919 the defeated germans signed the peace treaty in the Hall Of Mirrors which is where Germany had previously proclaimed its empire. The economic impact for Germany because the 80 million US dollars Germany owed was just paid off in 2010 but during the time many other american and european countries thrived.
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    Stalin was a military director who killed almost 30 million people who introduced communism. Stalin was negative towards globalization because communism doesn't allow for trade.
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    The Great Depression

    The great depression was mass consumerism, debt, and stock market crash that lead to loans countries couldn't pay which turned them into victims of the depression. The great depression was negative on economic globalization because without globalization there wouldn't have been a huge crash in consumerism.
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    World War 2

    World war 2 was the second global war that took place over the course of 6 years, it was, caused by Germany when the dictator at the time (Hitler) started to invade other countries illegally. When Hitler started invading Poland Britain and France declared war on Germany. This caused negative and positive effect on the global economy because countries profited from the war and it created "jobs" as soldiers and trade between within the Axis and Allies.
  • Creation Of The World Bank

    The world bank is an international organization dedicated to providing financial advice, and research developing nations to aid their economic advancements. The bank predominantly acts as an organization that aids attempts to fight poverty by offering developmental assistance to middle and low income countries. The bank is still operating today.
  • Bretton Woods

    The Bretton Woods Conference was a meeting with 44 representatives from different countries. They were trying to how to prevent economic turmoil that would lead to another world war. This was positive on economic globalization because it prevented possible future wars that could lead to countries and economies crashing.
  • Creation Of The International Monetary Fund

    The IMF is an organization of 190 countries, working to foster the global monetary globalization, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. The fund still runs to this day.
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    General Agreement On Trade And Tariffs

    Gatt is an agreement between many countries whose purpose was the promote international trade by eliminating trade barriers. The GATT is positive towards economic globalization because it allowed the process of trade occur with ease.
  • Creating Of The World Trade Organization

    The WTO is the only global international organization dealing with rules of trade between nations. The WTO negotiated and signed the bulk of the world's trading nations.The goal of the WTO is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers conduct their business. The organization still runs to this day.