Economic Globalization

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    first big war
    first time countries borrowed from other countries
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    Russian Revolution

    workers fought for better wages and working conditions
    led to communism
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    Rise Of Communism

    result of russian revolution
    brought back russias economy
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    made germany pay for damage from WWI
    caused WWII
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    communist leader of russia
    created collectives to increase military spending
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    Great Depression

    people borrowed to get into stock market, market crashed
    lowered international trade, partially led to WWII
  • Rise Of Hitler

    hitler became dictator
    caused WWII
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    second big war
    intertwined economies to stop another world war
  • WB

    gave out big loans to countries
    intertwined economies to create peace
  • Bretton Woods Conference

    meeting to stop another world war
    created IMF and WB
  • IMF

    similar to world bank but smaller
    stabilised currency exchange rates, help rebuild small countries
  • GATT

    agreement to slowly open trade
    made international trade more open
  • WTO

    new name for GATT
    same thing