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ECI520 Life Map

  • Graduated from CNU

    Graduated from CNU
    Completed by undergraduate degree in writing
  • Moved to Savannah

    Moved to Savannah
    I told my friend Kelly that I wanted to move out of Virginia. I said, "if you want to join me, I'll let you pick the place." She picked Savannah. I had more fun in Savannah then I did in college. I still visit there often.
  • Period: to


    I was sold the American Dream, but yet couldn't find a job after college.
  • Mammae passed away unexpectedly

    Mammae passed away unexpectedly
    My grandmother, Mammae, passed away unexpectedly after suffering an aneurysm.
  • Moved back to Richmond

    Moved back to Richmond
    I was struggling to pay my bills and with the sudden passing of my Mammae, I decided to move back to Richmond and live with my mom
  • Period: to

    Looking for direction

    Moving back to Richmond, living at home caused me to lose myself. It was a drastic change from living in Savannah. I knew I didn't want to be in Richmond working in the car industry, but I knew I had to be there for my mom.
  • Started with CarMax

    Started with CarMax
    Began working for CarMax. I saw it as a chance to move if I ever decided to take a change. Plus, it had a great reputation and it came highly recommend from a friend.
  • Moved to downtown RVA

    I moved downtown with my friend, Alex. It was the first time I lived in a downtown environment. I loved not living at home anymore. I loved the crazy nights that we had, having fun and making memories.
  • Caelyn Ann - the niece I never knew

    Caelyn Ann - the niece I never knew
    My oldest sister's, Brandy, life changed forever. She went for a checkup a few weeks before her delivery due date and they couldn't find Caelyn's heartbeat.
  • Moved to Raleigh

    Moved to Raleigh
    After much deliberation, I took a leap of faith and transferred to Raleigh with CarMax. What a great decision it has turned out to be. My life has moved at full speed since.
  • Met Jess

    Met Jess
    Jess and I went on our first date. I took her to a Washington Capitals vs Carolina Hurricanes game. We played pool afterwards, and drank way too much. Nerves.
  • Promoted to manager

    Promoted to manager
    Passed CarMax's management assessment program.
  • Adopted Charlie

    Adopted Charlie
    Adopted Bella a little sister. She's very sweet with her family, but intensely shy with strangers. We adopted Charlie from the Merit Pit Bull Foundation. Add them on your AmazonSmile account.
  • Began life on nightshift

    Began life on nightshift
    First assignment as a manager - night shift. Goodbye 2016
  • Ryan and Ashley moved

    One of my best friends, Ryan, and his wife, Ashley, moved away from Raleigh. He was a big reason I moved to Raleigh.
  • Bella passed away

    Bella passed away
    My first dog, my Bella Bear, passed away. She was my pride and joy. I got her as a pup my senior year of college. Lived an unfairly, short life. She is a huge reason I am an advocate for bully breed dogs. She was the sweetest dog and I could not have survived my single days without her by my side. I miss her.
  • Visited Chicago

    Visited Chicago
    I like visiting new places. Jess and I visited her sister in Milwaukee and spent a day in Chicago. Both cities were fantastic. Went to Wrigley field, took a tour of Chicago, and ate a ton of cheese curds.
  • Purchased our first home

    Purchased our first home
    We call Raleigh home, and couldn't be happier.
  • Asked Jess to marry me

    Asked Jess to marry me
    Popped the big question after a tour of the Biltmore. She said I was acting weird all day.
  • Adopted Memphis

    Adopted Memphis
    Charlie was sad without her Bella. We adopted a little boy and Jess let me name him Memphis. He is a rambunctious, cuddly pup who has a big personality.
  • Night shift ends

    Night shift ends
    Back to a normal life, living the same hours as all my loved ones. Best part is being home for dinner and snuggling with Jess
  • Dad's scare

    Dad's scare
    My aunt called me to tell my Dad went to the E.R. for severe stomach pain. What was suppose to be a routine gallbladder surgery, turned into a 5 hour ordeal. He spent multiple days in the I.C.U.
  • Want a lyme with that?

    Want a lyme with that?
    Bit by a tick while doing yard work. Dragged, and dragged, and dragged. Jess thought I was lazy before.
  • Started my Masters degree program at NC State

    Started my Masters degree program at NC State
    Took a leap of faith and enrolled in the MAT program. It is something I have been pondering for at least 6 years
  • Hawaii

    First, and hopefully not last, trip to Hawaii. We visited the Big Island. I fell in love and am still trying to convince Jess to move there.
  • Charlie has CCL surgery

    Charlie has CCL surgery
    Poor Charlie limped for months while the vet played the "wait and see" game. Multiple months of rehab and $4000 later, she is doing pretty well. I hope to be throwing the tennis ball with her this spring.