ECI 416 Timeline

  • First issue of NYDT

    First issue of NYDT
    First issue of New York Times Daily Times
  • The Langlois Bridge at Arles

    The Langlois Bridge at Arles
    Painting made by Vincent van Gogh
  • First Disney Movie

    First Disney Movie
    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs released
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Schools were segregated based on race and after the ruling of this court case, parents of children with disabilities starting fighting for the inclusion of their children in schools.
  • ESEA

    The elementary and Secondary Education Act was signed into law by Lyndon B. Johnson as part of the "war on poverty"
  • Mills v. Board of Education

    Mills v. Board of Education
    students classified as “exceptional”—including those with mental and learning disabilities and behavioral issues. Ruling made it unlawful for the D.C. Board of Education to deny these individuals access to educational opportunities.
  • Endangered Species Act

    Endangered Species Act
    Was enacted to protect fish, mammals, birds, and plants that have been listed as threatened or endangered in the US and beyond.
  • Public Law 94 -142

    Public Law 94 -142
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act - Congress intended for all children with disabilities have a right to education and due process of law.
  • Public Law 99-457

    Public Law 99-457
    Amendment to All Handicapped Children Act. This mandated that children with disabilities are provided services from the time of birth by the state.
  • Public Law 101-476

    Public Law 101-476
    Traumatic brain injury and autism were added as new disability categories. Additionally, Congress mandated that as a part of a student’s IEP
  • Congress Amends IDEA

    Congress Amends IDEA
    Congress amends the IDEA . calls for early intervention for students, improved educational outcomes, raised standards for special education instructors. local schools shift 15% of their funds to gen. education if there was disproportionate number of students from minority groups were placed in special education for reasons other than disabilities.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The new statute of the No Child Left Behind Act is Every Student Succeeds Act signed into law by President Obama.
  • Solar eclipse

    Solar eclipse
    First solar eclipse in nearly 100 years. visible to the entire US