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Christian Denominations Timeline

  • 1054

    Eastern Orthodox Church

    Eastern Orthodox Church
    Year of foundation: 1054, Judea
    The name of the founder: Jesus Christ, according to sacred tradition
    Who they split from: Roman Catholic Church
    What were the reasons for the split: a complex mix of religious disagreements and political conflicts
  • Baptist Church

    Baptist Church
    Year of foundation: 1609 in Amsterdam, Dutch Republic
    The name of the founder: Roger Williams
    Who they split from: Church of England
    What were the reasons for the split: they believed church membership should be voluntary and that only believers should be baptised
  • Lutheran Church

    Lutheran Church
    Year of foundation: 26 April 1847, Chicago, Illinois, United States
    The name of the founder: Martin Luther
    Who they split from: Roman Catholic Church
    What were the reasons for the split: The German monk Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses, which criticised the Catholic Church for selling indulgences and questioned the authority of the Pope, to the door of his Catholic church in the year 1517. His excommunication as a result sparked the Protestant Reformation, which began.
  • Church of England/Anglican

    Church of England/Anglican
    Year of foundation: 1867, England, United Kingdom
    The name of the founder: Augustine of Canterbury
    Who they split from: Roman Catholic Church
    What were the reasons for the split: the pope refused to grant the king an annulment