2200 BCE
Xia Dynasty start Chinese
The first dynasty. -
1766 BCE
Shang Dynasty starts Chinese
First to leave written records. -
1700 BCE
Xia Dynasty ends Chinese
1080 BCE
Shang Dynasty ends Chinese
1045 BCE
Zhou Dynasty starts Chinese
The Chinese culture spread,trade grew and they started making iron tools. -
221 BCE
Qin Dynasty starts Chinese
They were ruled by the first emperor. -
221 BCE
Zhou Dynasty ends Chinese
206 BCE
Han Dynasty starts Chinese
They built the Great Wall. -
206 BCE
Qin Dynasty ends Chinese
57 BCE
Silla Dynasty starts Korea
Silla is known for an example of printing,the earliest printed document that was ever found. -
37 BCE
Goguryeo (Koguryo) Dynasty Korea starts
In this period five horse-riding warrior had formed an alliance and also credited a refugee from Buyeo. -
18 BCE
Baekje (Peakche) Dynasty starts Korea
This Dynasty was a great maritime power. -
Han Dynasty ends Chinese
Sui Dynasty starts Chinese.
They built granaries. -
Sui Dynasty ends Chinese.
Tang Dynasty starts Chinese
Literature had flourished,earliest printed book and Chinese poetry was becoming more successful. -
Goguryeo (Koguryo) Dynasty Korea ends
Baekje (Peakche) Dynasty ends Korea
Parhae Dynasty starts Korea
They were wealthy and powerful.Also they have the most significant power on the Korean peninsula. -
Nara and Heian Periods start Japanese
In the Nara period it was the first country's permanent capital and Buddhism was highly developed.In the Heian period was noted for there cultural achievements in the imperial court. Which include the Japanese writing, the Chinese characters and it was the world's first novel. -
Tang Dynasty ends Chinese
Goryeo (Koryo) Period starts
There was a collection of all of the Buddhist rule carved into wood blocks to print onto paper. -
Parhae Dynasty ends Korea
Silla Dynasty ends Korea
Song Dynasty starts Chinese
The first standing Chinese navy was established,the first government to issue banknotes and also they were the first to use the compass -
Nara and Heian Periods end Japanese
Kamakura Period starts Japanese
The basis of feudalism was established. -
Song Dynasty ends Chinese
Yuan (Mongol) starts Chinese
They were the first to use paper currency and also a novel was developed in a literary form. -
Kamakura Period ends Japanese
Muromachi Period starts Japanese
The art of all kinds were flourished during this period. -
Yuan (Mongol) ends Chinese
Ming Dynasty starts Chinese
The most comprehensive book on the traditional Chinese medicine had been written,the majority of the Great Wall was built also during this period they saw development in printing. -
Goryeo (Koryo) Period ends
Joseon (Choson or Yi) Dynasty starts
This was the last dynasty of Korea. Also it was the longest ruling Confucian (thought and behavior system)dynasty. -
Muromachi Period ends Japanese
Azuchi-Momoyama Period starts Japanese
The age of political unification that was brought to the central government. -
Azuchi-Momoyama Period ends Japanese
Edo Period starts Japanese
During this period it was a time for peace, economic growth and also political stability. -
Ming Dynasty ends Chinese
Qing Dynasty starts Chinese
They ruled 13 million square kilometers of territory,the Kangxi Dictionary was complied and the Imperial Encyclopedia was written also there was an unprecedented developed was written. -
Edo Period ends Japanese
Meiji Period starts Japanese
They established a strong army,adopted a constitution, they had built railroads and instituted a universal education. -
Joseon (Choson or Yi) Dynasty ends
Qing Dynasty ends Chinese
Meiji Period ends Japanese
Taisho and Early Showa Period starts Japanese
In the Taisho period it was characterized in foreign affairs by the politics.Early Showa is known for there rise from militarism in japan. -
Taisho and Early Showa Period ends Japanese