Earth's early history

  • 46 BCE

    Planetary Accretion

    particles are pulled together into a massive object that pulls in more particles and bigger objects to become bigger and eventually form into a spherical planet.
  • 46 BCE

    Formation of the Moon

    After earth was hit by a large object about the size of mars the debris pulled its self together to form the moon.
  • 45 BCE

    Core Formation

    As the Earth was cooling the densest materials where pulled into the center of the Earth and the less dense material hardened around the those denser materials.
  • 44 BCE

    Planetary Cooling

    The Earth has cooled enough for the top layer of lava to harden into rock.
  • 38 BCE

    End of Heavy Bombardment

    The earth is no longer being constantly bombarded by comets and astroids.