Early Middle Ages

  • Jan 27, 750

    Beowulf is written in Old English

    Beowulf is written in Old English
    This English epic poem was written anonymously and was untitled until 1805. This Christian poem emphasizes early Medieval society in England and shows early roots in New Testament Law.
  • Apr 11, 1049

    Pope Leo IX is the New Pope

    Pope Leo IX is the New Pope
    Since the last pope died, Leo was the pope who excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople and also caused the Great Schism.
  • Feb 15, 1054

    The Roman church splits in 2

    The Roman church splits in 2
    The Church split into two parts, Western Catholosism and Eastern Orthodoxy, Tensions between the two groups had been going on for quite a while and this was the best decision at the time.
  • May 10, 1135

    The Anarchy begins in England

    The Anarchy begins in England
    The Anarchy was a civil war in England and Normandy. It was basically rebelling against the government and a breakdown in law and order.
  • Mar 8, 1167

    The University of Oxford is founded

    The University of Oxford is founded
    This university today is one of the most prized colleges in the world. It is the oldest college in the United Kingdom. It was created when King Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris.
  • Jun 10, 1215

    The Magna Carta is signed

    The Magna Carta is signed
    King John of England was forced into signing the Margna Carta, which would reduce his power while bing King. It would also become the basis English citizens' rights. It was written by the powerful Barons of England.
  • The Pope Crowns Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans

    The Pope Crowns Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans
    Charlemagne was very powerful as a warrior and the Pope recognized that. He called on him to help when the Lombard's attacked the Papal Sates and that finally proved that Charlemagne had what it takes.
  • Otto the Great becomes Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

    Otto the Great becomes Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
    When Charlemagne died, the empire split into 2 parts and Otto the Great got support from Germany. The Pope turned to Otto to help the Pope when the nobles challenged him. The Pope rewarded Otto by crowning him Emperor.
  • Viking "Great Army" Arrives in England

    Viking "Great Army" Arrives in England
    The Vikings are from nothern Europe and started raiding England and northern France on large ships. They used navigation and lumber skills to travel large distances at sea and allowed them to search for wealth, prestige and new lands.
  • Iceland is settled by Norsemen

    Iceland is settled by Norsemen
    Norsemen migrated across the North Atlantic and stumbled upon Iceland. The original reason for migration was the shortages of food, due to unarable land.