Jan 1, 1000
Leif Erickson
He was a viking that made his way from Scandinavia, to Iceland, to Greenland, and finally to the North America. A found stone was discovery in the St. Lawrence River area. Proving that he was the first European to make it to the "New World". -
Aug 13, 1492
Chris Columbus sailed under the Spanish flag
Chris was the first European to think he could sail to Asia from Europe. He found out that there was a large land mass separating Europe from Asia. He was mistaken about his location, and called the Natives "Indians". His discovery opened up the world through the Colombian Exchange. -
May 10, 1497
Amerigo Vespucci Sailed for the Spanish Flag
He made a few voyages to explore the New World. On his first voyage, he went from Central America to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. On his next voyages he explored the coast of South America. His explorations led to maps of the new world, which later helped European understand the world around them. -
Jul 16, 1513
Ponce de Leon sailed for Port.
He went to discover the fountain of youth, but ended up mapping Florida for us. -
Sep 25, 1513
Vasco Nuenz de Balbo who sailed for Spanish
He was the first European to see the East Coast of the Pacific Ocean. He started in present day Panama, and hiked across the land....with 200 countrymen and 1000 natives. -
Sep 20, 1519
Magellen sailed under Spanish Flag
A three year journey to circumnavigate the globe. However, he caught a spear and died in the Philippines.