Leif Erikkson
He was a viking sailor who left Scandinavia and landed in Present-day Canada. He was the first European in North America. He was sponsored by Norway. -
Bartolomeu Dias
Discovered the southern tip of Africa, and he called it "Cape of Good Hope". He was sponsored by Portugal. -
Christopher Columbus
He tried to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic, but he landed in the Americas. He was sponsored by Spain -
John Cabot
He was sent out to look for sea route to Asia but found present-day Newfoundland. He was sponsored by France -
Vasco De Gama
He found a sea route to Asia and sailed along the coast of Africa all the way to India. He was sponsored by Portugal -
Pedro Alvarez Cabral
Claimed the country of Brazil in South America for Portugal and set up a settlement there. He was sponsored by Portugal. -
Amerigo Vespucci
He explored the coast of South America and realized it was a separate Continent, calling it the Americas. he was sponsored by Spain -
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
He was the first European to see and claim the Pacific Ocean for Spain. He was sponsored by Spain. -
Juan Ponca De Leon
he was the first person from Spain to land on the east-coast of present-day Florida, he was sponsored by Spain -
Hernan Cortes
he discovered the east coast of present day Mexico. he was sponsored by Spain -
Ferdinand Magellan
He was sailing to Spain and found the southernmost tip of South America. He sailed through a strait into a calm ocean which he named the Pacific Ocean. He was sponsored by Spain -
Giovanni De Varrazano
He explored the coast of North America from present-day Nova Scotia down to the Carolina's. He was sponsored by France -
Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca
He was a part of the exploration of Florida, he was sponsored by Spain -
Francisco Pizzarro
He lead an army into the Inca capital, he was sponsored by Spain -
Jacques Cartier
He sailed up the St. Lawrence River in hopes to make it to the Pacific but instead he ended up finding a mountain peak he named Mont-Royal. The mountain can be found is present-day Montreal. He was sponsored by France. -
Henando De Soto
He led a expedition to explore Florida and what is present-day the southeastern part of the United States. He was sponsored by Spain -
Francisco Vasquez De Coronado
He searched for the Seven Cities of Cibola and traveled through Northern Mexico and present-day Arizona and New Mexico to finally end up in Zuni. He was sponsored by Spain -
Juan Cabrillo
He first sighted what is now California. He was sponsored by Spain. -
Henry Hudson
He discovered the river that is now named after him. (Hudson River) he sailed the Hudson river all the way too present-day Albany, New York. He was sponsored by Dutch. -
Henry Hudson #2
They sent him out again and he found a huge bay which is now Hudson Bay. He spent time looking for an outlet but soon became impatient so some of is crew, him, and his went into a small boat and were never seen again. He was still sponsored by Dutch -
Louis Joliet
He was a fur trader that traveled the Mississippi River by canoe. He was sponsored by France. -
Jacques Marquette
He was a priest that traveled the Mississippi River By canoe. He was sponsored by France. -
Robert Caverleir De La Salle
He followed the Mississippi all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. He named Louisiana after Louis XIV. He was sponsored by France.