early explorers

  • 1100

    ghana empier

    ghana empier
    emergen in west africa ghana grew welthy from the texas it placed on trade
  • 1260

    marco polo returned from china

    marco polo returned from china
    polo wrote about aisas people great wishes and splendid cities in this book later his travelers would inspire another Italian explorer Christopher Columbus
  • 1324

    mali trade routes to north america

    mali trade routes to north america
    by the late 1200s malis territory was huge in 1324 malis great king mansa musa a muslim travled to the muslim holy city of makkah in what is now saudu arabia
  • 1327

    mansa musa

    mansa musa
    travled to the muslum holy city of makkah in what is now saudi arabia.
  • 1468


    timbuktu became a center of islamic art and learning
  • 1469

    askiya muhammed leader of the songhai empier

    askiya muhammed leader of the songhai empier
    songhai ito provinces each with its own officials
  • 1492

    christopher columbus sailed for spain and tried to reach the aisia

    he tried to reach aisa by sailing west across the alantic landed in the ameriacas but he had reached aisa even when he died in 1506