Early explorers

  • 1000

    Lief Erickson - Viking

    1st European to reach North America
  • 1487

    Bartolomeu Dias sailed for Portugal

    Sail to the bottom and found the cape of good hope
    (bottom of africa)
  • 1492

    Christopher columbus - Spain

    sailed to North America, across the Atlantic ocean, believed he had
    sailed to asia
  • 1493

    Christopher Columbus - Spain

    his second voyage to the Americas across the Atlantic Ocean
  • 1497

    Vasco De Gama sailed for Portugal

    1st to sail around Africa all the way to Asia
  • 1498

    Christopher Columbus - Spain

    his 3rd voyage to the Americas across the Pacific Ocean
  • 1499

    Amerigo Vespucci - sailed for Spain

    Amerigo Vespucci - sailed for Spain
    Sailed along the coast of S.America . He took such good notes about the coast that mapmakers were convinced this was not Asia and named the new land "America" in his honor
  • 1500

    Pedro Alavres Cabral sailed for Portugal

    on his way around Africa he went to wide and ended up in Brazil, south america
  • 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa sailed for Spain

    He travels through central America and is the first European to see the Pacific Ocean (largest ocean in the world)
  • 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon - sailed for Spain

    He went looking for the Fountain of Youth in modern day Florida.
  • 1519

    Hernando Cortes - sailed for Spain

    Went into Central America ( modern day mexico) and conquered the Atztec.
  • Period: 1519 to 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan Sailed for Spain

    1st European to circumnavigate the globe.
  • Period: 1528 to 1536

    Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

    Accompanied by Estevancio ( a slave) and others, explored the North American South West looking for the seven cities of gold
  • 1532

    Francisco Pizzaro - Sailed for Spain

    He went to South America and conquered the Inca Empire
  • Period: 1539 to 1542

    Hernando De soto Sailed for Spain

    explored Florida and North Carolina and discovered the Mississippi river