Chapter 2 Early Explorers

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    Leif erikson he is sponcered by the country scandanavia

    Leif erikson he is sponcered by the country scandanavia
    landonded on the coast of south america president day canada
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    Cabral degama was sponsored by Europe

    Cabral degama was sponsored by Europe
    he sailed to North America to the vinland ruins
  • 1487

    dias set out lisbon

    dias set out lisbon
    he sailed to the southermoast of africa
  • 1488

    Bartholomew Dias sailed for the country of Portugal

    Bartholomew Dias sailed for the country of Portugal
    sailed southward from Portugal and made it to the bottom of Africa and named it the could hope
  • 1492

    in 1492 colombus sailed the ocean blue

    in 1492 colombus sailed the ocean blue
    colombus was the captin of the santa maria he had two other ships the nina and the pinta
  • 1497

    John Cabot an Italian looking for the sea route to Asia

    John Cabot an Italian looking for the sea route to Asia
    landded on presisent day Newfoudland
  • 1498

    Cabral degama was sponsored by Europe

    Cabral degama was sponsored by Europe
    He reached the port of india
  • 1499

    Vespucci lead a voyage funded by spain

    Vespucci lead a voyage funded by spain
    he explored the coast of south America
  • 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon made the first spanish landing

    Juan Ponce de Leon made the first spanish landing
    he landed on the east coast of present day florida
  • 1519

    Herman Cortes landed on the east coast of presint day Mexico

    Herman Cortes landed on the east coast of presint day Mexico
    he conquered the Aztec Empire that ruled the region
  • 1520

    Ferdinand Magellan reach the southernmost tip of south america

    Ferdinand Magellan reach the southernmost tip of south america
    he landed in south America
  • 1524

    Giovanni de Varrazano an italian explorer took the northern route

    Giovanni de Varrazano  an italian explorer took the northern route
    He explored north America present day Nova Scotia
  • 1535

    Jacques Cartier a french explorer

    Jacques Cartier a french explorer
    He sailed up the Saint Lowarence River
  • 1540

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was a conquesador

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was a conquesador
    his travels brought him to northern mexico present day Mexico
  • 1541

    Hernando de Soto led a expadition to florida

    Hernando de Soto led a expadition to florida
    for years he tied to find gold from the stories he heard
  • 1542

    Juan Cabrillo first sighted Clafornia

    Juan Cabrillo first sighted Clafornia
    over 200 years they left the area alone
  • Henry Hudson begain to explore

    Henry Hudson  begain to explore
    the Netherlands had a large fleet of ships
  • Louis Jolietand and Jacques Marquette French explorers

    Louis Jolietand and Jacques Marquette French explorers
    the established settlements in north America
  • Robert Cavelier de La Salle was a french explorer

    Robert Cavelier de La Salle was a french explorer
    He followed the Mississippi river all the way to the golf of Mexico