Sep 3, 1492
Columbus Led is first expedition westward
Sep 3, 1497
The search for new routes
Vasco da Gama found a route and sailed to India -
Sep 3, 1497
King Henry VII Sent Cabot on a voyage to the West
Sep 3, 1498
Columbus Reached South America
Sep 3, 1508
Juan Ponce de Leon Explored the island of Puerto Rico
Sep 3, 1513
Ponce de Leon set out with ships and crew and explored the east coast of Florida
Sep 3, 1524
King Francis 1 of France sent Italian navigater westward
Sep 3, 1539
Hernando de Soto sailed with a militay expidition to the west coast of Florida
Sep 3, 1562
France sent a colony under the command of Jean Ribault
Sep 3, 1564
The colonists gave up and returned to France