Jun 10, 1215
Magna Carta is Drafted
Known as the Great Charter, The Magna Carta is known for limiting the power of King John during the 13th century. Also known for being the inspiration for the Declaration of Independence. Also, heclking the King of Great Britain, it sought for all men to be equal as well. -
Petiton of Right drafted
A major English document, stating that the King can not infringe on the basic rights of certain people. Produced by the English Parliament, it was meant for the English Civl War. The ban of billeting troops is seen in the Third Amendment of the U.S. Contitution. -
English Bill of Rights drafted
An Act passed by British Parliament, that stated a bunch of rules, and basic rights. Becoming popular in England, politician John Locke was the known author. It's still known today, and is still in effect. -
The Stamp act of 1765
The Stamp Act was known for taxing all paper related documents. Such as Newspaper, pamphlets, legal documents, and even stamps. The Stamp Act was the first tax implyed to the Americans, by the British. Boycotts broke out as rebellion. -
Townshend Duties
Four acts of the British Parliament in 1767 that imposed duties on the import of paint, glass, paper, lead, and tea to the North American colonies. The acts also called for quartering of British troops in the colonies. Though eventually repealed (except for the tax on tea), the acts were the source of resentment and led to the famous charge of "taxation without representation" and directly to the Boston massacre. -
Boston Massacre
A fight between British soldiers and the Boston working class. British government had been trying to increase control over the colonies and raise taxes at the same time, which enraged the Boston population. It inspired, and brought together the colonies against Great Britain, for liberty. It also, sparked the American Revolution. -
The Tea Act of 1773.
An Act passed by the British Parliament, stating that the East India Trading Company was to send tea directly to the American colonies, instead of going to Great Britain instead. It made the East India Company raise the prices of tea, making them unbearble ot the Americans. In result, boycotts was formed, and tea was not purchased. Hense, the Boston Tea Party, dumping the tea in the Harbor. -
First Continental Congress
A convention of delegates from each 13 colonies, except Georgia. Voted by the people, the delegates were there to show authority to Great Britain. Mainly for discussions and debates, tasks were made for each colony. -
Second Continental Congress
A unicarmel delegation representing the 13 orginal colonies. A convention acting as the first government act in America. Primarily for the Amerian Revolution, it follwed the First Continental Congress for one year. A majority of the delegates were from the First Continental Congress. -
Common Sense is published (Thomas Payne)
Known for being the first spark for idependence against gReat Britain. Thomas Payne wrote to the common people of America. Publishing it as anonymous, for treasonous content, it sold thousands in the first year. With the help of Benjamin Rush, Common Sense was published and sold. -
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence, known for being the biggest step in Independent liberty for America. The most known written document in American history. The document was for freedom away from Great Britain, and can be seen as attacking the King for everything he has done for America. A way to create their own government, and that all men are created equal.