Dec 1, 1271
Marco Polo
Marco Polo started ecxploring in 1271. He whent to deliver a letter that the pope had gave to give to the Chinese emperor. Yes he was successful,but when they were getting ready to leave the emporer asked if they could deliver a Mongolian princess to a king on their way home. -
Dec 1, 1488
Bartolomeu Dias
Dias started his voyage in 1488. Dias wanted to see if he could sail around the tip of Southern Africa and still get to Asia. Yes he was successful with his crew, but the best part was that they were the first crew to do it! His voyage lasted 16 monthes. -
Dec 1, 1492
Christophor Columbus
Colubus set sail in 1492. The reason he set sail was to fid a new route to Asia. No he did not find the route to Asia but did find a new land called the Amaricas later on. People were ecxited about the new land when columbus found the new land. His full name is Cristoforo Colombo! -
Dec 2, 1497
Vasco De Gama
De Gama set sail in 1497. he wanted to sail around the southern tip of Africa and still get to India. He did do that and got some goods for his town. Vasco set sail with 170 crew members and came back with 55 crew members. -
Dec 2, 1497
Giovanni Coboto
Giovanni set sail in 1497. He was paid by the king of England to lead an expadition to China and the Indies. He landed in New Finland and returned to England saying it was rich with fish. No he was not successful in his mission but was successful in finding a new land with rich fish. -
Dec 2, 1499
Amerigo Vespucci
Vespucci sailed in 1499. He wanted to prove Columbus wrong. He was successful by finding a new continent that was later called Americas by his first name. He was also a financier. A finacier is a person who gives you money. -
Dec 4, 1500
Alvarez Cabral
Cabral set sail in 1500. He wanted to sail to India to set up a trading post. He was successful. And was a leader in commercial expedition. He was a nobleman in Portugal. -
Dec 2, 1513
Vasco Nunezde Balboa
Vaco set sail in 1513. He sailed in the seach of gold.Yes he got some gold,and was the first European to see the Pacific ocean! Balboa was also a governor and a soldier. He was born in Jerez De Los Caballeros,Spain. -
Dec 11, 1513
Ponce De Leon
Leon set sail in 1513. He was the guy to find Florida or La Florida. He tryed to find the fountain of youth that would tern old people in to young people. He did not find it. He also went on Colubus's second ship. -
Dec 9, 1518
Hernán Cortés
Cortes set sail in 1518. He set sail to defeat the Aztec leader. When they were in battle, Hernán did not want his crew to flee, so he destroyed two of the three ships. They left one so they could get back home. When the did defeat the Aztecs, they found riches and destroyed the town to put up Mexico City. -
Dec 2, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan
Magellan set sail in 1519. He set sail to find a western sea route to the spice islands of Indonesia. He was successful because he found a new route through a strait to save time around the southern tip of south America, although the trip was successful, Magellan got killed and never reternd to Spain. -
Dec 12, 1539
Hernando De Soto
Soto tried to find riches and to capture the southeast. His crew and himself were the first peolpe to see the Mississppi river. They didn't find any gold,but did capture land. -
Panfilo De Nabraez
Panfilo set sail in 1598. He sailed to La Florida to take over. In Alabama there was a war, his crew was in it, and most of them died,or fled. Four of his crew member survived out of 300 crew members.