
  • High-Tech Trash

    E-Waste is finding its way into our landfills, but it is also cluttering up the third wirld countries. It is being burned and causing health problems as well as environmental problems.
  • E-Waste Facts

    The sheer amount of E-Waste created in the united states in 2008 was 3.16 million tons. Only 430,000 tons was recycled. 87% went to landfills.
  • Electronic Waste Management in the U.S.

    The official report of the EPA that summarizes the managment practices in 2008. They experienced rapid growth in the technology sector and discussed the presence of toxic substances and the need for aforadable recycling opportunities.
  • New Insights into E-Waste Recycling in Metropolitan Areas

    The discussion of E-Waste managment policies focues mainly on metropolitan levels. Between 2003 and 2011, 25 states passed E-Waste laws. Seattle was examined to discuss improvement to E-Waste recycling in big cities.
  • Toxic E-Waste

    Even though the issue of E-Waste is being recognized globally as a major environmental problem, there are minimal things being done to fight it. Hazerdous chemicals are causing large recycling issues. Eco-friendly batteries are introduced.
  • New Frontiers in Metal Recycling

    Inspects recycling techniques that are currently being used on precious metals such as gold and platinum.