Jan 1, 1254
Marco Polo
Marco polo was an Italian voyager and merchant. Polo was one of the first europians to travel through China and into Asia. He stared in 1271 meaning he was just a teenager, withhis father and uncle. Thoughout his adventure he visited the Kublai Khan in Beijing.Polo died in the year 1324 at the age of 70. -
Jan 1, 1450
John Cabot
Giovanni Caboto( John's original name), born in Italy but moved to England in 1495 was a explorer and navigator.Cabot sailed to canada in 1497 hired by King Henry VII in a small ship called Mathew. -
Jan 1, 1491
A french Explorer. He Led three different Expeditions to canada. One in 1534, one in 1535, and one in 1541. Threw these three expidition he was looking fo a Northwest passage through North America which he never found. -
Jan 1, 1545
Francis Drake
Drake did a lot of things throughout his life. He was an Explorer, slave-trader, privateer working for England, mayor of Plymouth,England and a naval officer. Drake was well known because he led the 2nd expidition to sil across the world. -
Jan 1, 1554
Walter Raleigh
Walter wasnt just an explorer he was also a poet, historian and explorer. He led many journys to both Soth North America.His goal was to found new settlements, find tredasures, and increase trade with the new world. -
Jan 1, 1565
Henry Hudson
Have you ever wonered why the Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and Hudson Strait are called Hudson Well the reason why is because Heny Hudson explored these locations and also Arctic Ocean and northeastern North America. -
Jan 1, 1567
Samuel de Champlian
Champlain started a settlment in quebec. He also found a lake which he then named after himself. Champlain sailed to France in 1603. -
James Cook
James Cook ws both an explorer and an astronomer. Cook whent on many endeavors, one in witch took him to tahiti where he could there study venus as it passed between the sun and earth. He also was in search of a small island but ended up to never exist. -
George Vancouver
Sailed the coast of North America. throughout his explorations he discovered a island which is now called Vancouver island. -
Lief Ericson
It is unknown the exact year that Ericson was born but it it known that it was around 980AD. Ericson was a viking from Greenland and was possibaly the first explorer to sail to North America. Lief sailed to north america with 35 men in the year 1000.