New netherland

Dutch Colonization

  • Henry Hudson Explores the East Coast for Holland

    Henry Hudson Explores the East Coast for Holland
    Hudson sailed to Nova Scotia, and then sailed south. He found what is now called the Hudson River, and sailed into New York's harbor. Hudson sailed then up the river about 150 miles This disproved his theory about a water passage through North America. His later expedition to the Hudson Strait and into Hudson Bay ended in a mutiny. Hudson died in 1611 after his crew mutinied and left Hudson, his son, and 7 crew members adrift in a small, open boat in Hudson Bay.
  • First Dutch Merchants Arrive in Albany

    First Dutch Merchants Arrive in Albany
    Dutch merchants settled along the Hudson River in order to tap into the beaver trade.
  • Dutch West India Company Formed

    Dutch West India Company Formed
    The Dutch Republic Founded the Company to trade and colonize the New World. It's the Dutch West India Company that created New Netherland.
  • First Permanent Dutch Settlers Arrive

    First Permanent Dutch Settlers Arrive
    Thirty families arrived. Settlers were supposed to serve the fur trade, either by trading with the regional Indians or by providing support for the traders. All the profits were reserved for the Company with the settlers given small salaries.
  • Peter Minuit Purchases Manhattan and Establishes New Amsterdam

    Peter Minuit Purchases Manhattan and Establishes New Amsterdam
    Minuit purchased Manhattan Island from the Manhates Indians. The Hudson River corridor between Albany and Manhattan became the heart of New Netherland colony. Like New France, its economic focus was fur trade. Dutch merchants forged ties with the Iroquois who exchanged furs for European tools and weapons.
  • Dutch West India Company Offers Patroonships

    Dutch West India Company Offers Patroonships
    Few Dutch colonists have settled, so the Company would give vast lands to anyone who brought 50 settlers or more. These patroons would also have extraordinary governing powers
  • Dutch West India Company Appoints Peter Stuyvesant as Director General of New Netherland

    Dutch West India Company Appoints Peter Stuyvesant as Director General of New Netherland
    Nicknamed the "peg-legged", Stuyvesant angered many colonists when he tried to regulate liquor sales and punished those who were not members of the Dutch Reformed church. The burghers forced him to compromise and share power with them.
  • First Anglo-Dutch War

    First Anglo-Dutch War
    The war ended in 1654
  • Peter Stuyvesant Surrenders New Netherland to English

    Peter Stuyvesant Surrenders New Netherland to English
    When the English arrived to claim New Netherland, Governor Stuyvesant attemped to get locals to resist. No one really cared to resist. New Netherland becomes New York.
  • Second Anglo-Dutch War

    Second Anglo-Dutch War
    War ended in 1667