Dustin's Life

  • The Day I Was Born

    I was born on October 15, 2001 in Watertown SD.
  • My First Sheep Ride

    The first time I fell off I was 3 and I started crying. When I was 3 I started to ride sheep at rodeos at West Witlock. Behind the rodeo there was a fair with a chili contest, ice cream contest, and rides.
  • The Race I Won

    The Race I Won
    The first race I won was in Appleton, MN. My dad took me to the race. My grandma and grandpa were very scared and they didn't want me to go. They were afraid I might get hurt. We had to go around once for a practice and I was nervous. The track was hard.
  • I Crashed

    I Crashed
    January 2011
    It rained the night before I crashed. I was drifting on ice with my 4 wheeler and I hit a hard spot and it flipped over. My leg was stuck under the 4 wheeler. I dug it out and walked home for help.
  • My Snowmobile

    My Snowmobile
    I got a snowmobile for Christmas. My dad and I were giong to my grandma’s and grandpa’s and dad said the garage door is broke so don’t go inside it. So we went in the house door. Christmas was one week away so my grandma gave me a toy snowmobile because she knew I loved toy snowmobiles. She told me to go in the garage and there was a snowmobile. It was an IQ SHIFT POLARIS 550.
  • 5th Grade

    5th Grade
    Our class got a new classmate so now I got one more freind.