Dust bowl

Dust Bowl Timeline

By ICDevil
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Black Tuesday hit Wall Street as investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost, wiping out thousands of investors.
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    The Dust Bowl

    The History of the Dust Bowl
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    Beginning of the Drought

    The year the Dust Bowl Started
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt has his inauguration on May 4,
  • EFM and FCA

    The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act is started. It used $200 million to refinance farmers mortages and help them face forclosure
  • EBA of 1933

    Congress creates the Emergency Banking Act of 1933, stabilizing the banking industry and restoring credit to the banks by putting the federal government as their support.
  • First Soil Erosion Camp

    The Civilian Conservation Corps opened up the first soil erosion camp in Clayton County, Alabam. THis was later followed by another 161 soil erosion camps in the next 4 months.
  • Pig Slaughter

    On September 4th, 6 million baby pigs were slaughtered to stabalize the meat prices. The Federal Surplus Relief Corpmeat went to waste
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    75% of the Country Encountering Dust Storm

    1934 – 75% of the country sees the effects of dust storms with severe storms dropping red snow on New England.
  • Frazier-Lemke FarmBankruptcy and Taylor Grqazing Act

    The Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act is approved. This act restricted the ability of banks to dispossess farmers in times of distress. Originally effective until 1938, the act was renewed four times until 1947, when it expired.
    Roosevelt signs the Taylor Grazing Act, which allows him to take up to 140 million acres of federally-owned land out of the public domain and establish grazing districts that will be carefully monitored.
  • Emergency Relief Appropriation

    FDR approves the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, which provides $525 million for drought relief, and authorizes creation of the Works Progress Administration, which would employ 8.5 million people.
  • Black Sunday

    On Sunday, April 14, 1935, winds reached 60 miles an hour during a dust storm on the Great Plains. An Associated Press reporter dubbed the area the Dust Bowl for the first time after witnessing the storm.
  • LA is Sued

    Los Angeles Police Chief James E. Davis sends 125 policemen to patrol the borders of Arizona and Oregon to keep undesirables out. As a result, the American Civil Liberties Union sues the city
  • Shelterbelt Project

    Roosevelt addresses the nation in his second inaugural address. FDR's Shelterbelt Project begins. The project called for large-scale planting of trees across the Great Plains, stretching in a 100-mile wide zone from Canada to northern Texas, to protect the land from erosion. Native trees were planted along fence rows separating properties, and farmers were paid to plant and cultivate them. The project was estimated to cost 75 million dollars over a period of 12 years.
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    The efforts to rehabilitate the soil in the dust bowl region start to show promise as 65% less dust storm activity is recorded.
  • Start of World War II

    Germany started World War II by invading Poland on September 1, 1939. Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3.