During 2002 through 2007 mortgage compainies were selling sub-prime mortages, to people who could not afford it in the long run
By adent12
Sub-Prime Mortgage
During 2002 through 2007 companies were selling sub prime motgages to people who could not aford it -
Toxic Mortgages
As the housing market get to big filled with toxic mortages the amount being trillions of dollars in bad mortgages, fear spread throughout massive firms -
Bail Out
Bernake and Paulson begin to bailout some of the biggest banks of wall street -
On thursday September 18, 2008 th U.S congress was informed that the economy was in grave danger by the federals reserves chairman -
Federal Reserve
Declares stocks are going down a and chairmen Ben Bernake states that this has to be contained beofore it spears and ameica has a crisis on hand -
Ben Bernake
Bernake is a former economics professor from princton, to stable the stocks he he engineered a shotgun marriage between bear sterns and the commercial bank JPMorgan -
No more Bailouts
in 2009 the goverment say no to bailouts -
Stock market crash
in 24 hours the stock market crashed and credit markets around the worldfroze -
Today americans are still loosing their hard earned money because of the bailouts taxes are high and the middle class peaople have to pay the price