Period: to
20's Health Concerns
These include sexual and mental health. -
20's Health Tips
Have routine medical checkups, take care of your teeth and skin, exercise, stay away from drugs and alcohol, maintain a healthy diet, use sunscreen, and find a primary care provider. -
Period: to
30's Health Concerns
These include sexual health, mental and emotional health, skin care, back pain, and building muscle. -
30's Health Tips
Don't smoke, wear sunscreen, reduce stress, monitor your BMI, and have routine dental, eye, hearing, and cancer screenings or tests. -
Period: to
40's Health Concerns
These include chronic pain, stress, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and homocysteine levels, resting heart rate, blood glucose, BMI, osteoporosis, anxiety, and depression. Some other problems are sexual dysfunction (in men and women), skin problems, changes in vision, hearing loss, and incontinence. -
40's Health Tips
Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, don't smoke, get additional screening for cancers (especially testicular, ovarian, breast, and colorectal), and get routine screenings (like blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes) more often (about every 2 years). -
Period: to
50's Health Concerns
These include abnormal blood sugar levels, anxiety, cancer, changes in vision, depression, chronic pain, digestive issues, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, hearing loss, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, menopause, osteoporosis, overactive bladder, prostate issues, skin problems, thyroid issues, and urinary incontinence. -
50's Health Tips
Eat healthy, stay physically and mentally active, maintain a healthy weight, don't smoke, reduce stress, increase frequency of cancer screenings (also blood pressure, diabetes, and EKGs), and having blood tests, urinalysis, and mental health screenings at every physical exam (at least every 2 years). -
Period: to
60's Health Concerns
These include increased risk of heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, prostatic hyperplasia, incontinence, and changes in cognitive function or mental health. -
60's Health Tips
Learn about warning signs for serious health conditions, quit smoking, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat healthy, get an annual flu vaccine, get screenings once a year (for blood pressure, bone density, and skin cancer), get checkups for cancer (specifically mammograms, colonoscopies, pelvic tests, and testicular exams), and get vaccines for hepatitis, tetanus, pneumonia, and shingles.