When she was born
She was born on January 26, 1911. -
Period: to
The life of Johnnie Carr.
Her school was closed
In 1927 {exact date unknown} she had 2 girls and 1 boy. -
When did her School close ?
Her school was closed in 1927 {exact date unknown}. -
When was she married?
She was married in 1927 {date unknown}. -
Did she hear Martin Luther King speak?
She recalled hearing Martin Luther King speak for the first time at the NAACP in August 1955 {day unknown} -
Giving a speach
In 1957 {exact date unknown} she gave a speech at the women's Auxiliary of the Baptist state convention of Illinois describing the bus boycott she also helped out in the bus boycott. -
A lawsuit
In 1964 {date unknown} she filed a lawsuit against the Montgomery county boerd of Education. -
A new President
Carr became president of thecMontgomery Improvement Association in 1927 {date unknown} where she remained until death. -
The Lawsuit has ended
In 1969{date unknown} Frank M. Johnson Jr ruled in Johnnie Carrs' favor ending segrigation in the Montgomer School System. -
When she died
She died in February 22, 2008.